For Me To Know - Chapter 17

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Lucas crept through the hall peeking around the doorframe of Preston's nursery to see if Maya was there. And of course she was, she was changing Preston; Lucas let out a sigh of relief as he let his head fall back softly onto the wall behind him. He made his way back to the bedroom and laid back down, Maya walked back in with the now awake Preston.

"What are you doing up?" Maya asked "you" he replied looking up at Maya "you scared me when I woke up and you two were gone" Lucas said as Maya crawled into bed with Preston in hand. She sat beside him with Preston in her lap "what if he gets him Lucas?" Maya asked looking at Preston "he won't" Lucas said "we have people that will prevent that from happening" he continued "and if he wants him bad enough he does too" Maya replies with a sigh.

The next morning they talked to Topanga which had also seen the page over Emmett's visit to New York. Topanga assured them that Emmett wouldn't get Preston, at least not on her watch.

It was Saturday and both Maya and Lucas were off. Maya was in the kitchen rummaging around looking for something, while Lucas and Preston were playing on the floor of the kitchen with measuring cups and spoons. "Have you found it yet?" Lucas asked laying on his stomach in front of Preston "no, I know I put it somewhere in here though" Maya grumbled as she pulled pots and pans out of the cupboard "what exactly are you looking for?" Lucas asked "for me to know and you to find out" Maya joked still searching through the cupboard. Lucas rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to Preston who was in the process of throwing different items that were in front of him at Lucas' face. "Ow" Lucas yelped when one of the metal measuring cups crashed against the bridge of his nose, "ok that's enough of that" he said picking up the measuring cups and spoons and replace them with a few of his plush toys "maybe with these you won't break my nose" Lucas said returning to his spot in front of Preston.

"Ha! Found it!" Maya cheered pulling a metal box from the cabinet causing both Preston and Lucas to look over at it "what's that?" Lucas asked "a box" Maya said opening it "no duh" Lucas said "a box with a letter for Emmett from Riley if he comes for Preston" Maya said pulling out the envelope. "Why was it under the sink?" Lucas asked "because we both know that you'd open it if you knew it was there" Maya said "and she left one for Preston when he gets older" she said holding up another envelope. She looked through the box and down at the bottom laid a small circular piece of metal. Maya looked at her hand she hadn't taken it off the friendship ring was just below her engagement ring, the ring was taped to an envelope titled 'Maya'; she lifted the envelope out of the box and set the others on the table. She opened it and it read more of the same, telling her how good of a friend she was and that what Maya, Lucas, and Farkle were doing for her was all she ever wanted for Preston in her absence. But she didn't know that Farkle was gone and that Preston might not get to know Farkle. Maya slipped the friendship ring onto her other hand and folded the letter back into its envelope.

There was a loud knock on the door maya and Lucas looked at each other "were you expecting anyone?" Maya asked Lucas shook his head. Lucas picked up Preston and took him to their room, when he was out of sight Maya opened the door revealing a tall dark haired man. "Can I help you?" Maya asked "you're Maya right?" he asked Maya nodded "My name is Emmett Stone, I was eng-" Maya cut him off "I know who you are" she said coldly "is there anyway you know where Riley would be?" he asked in a thick Scottish accent "she told me to give you this and send you on your way, I advise you not to come back" Maya said handing him the letter. He looked at the letter then looked back up to Maya who closed the door and locked it.

She looked out the peephole and saw him look back down at the letter then headed back down the hall. She walked over to the window and watched as he got back into his car and read the letter before speeding off down the street. She walked back to their room and opened the door "is he gone?" Lucas asked "yeah but he's not happy" Maya nodded getting Preston from Lucas' arms "whatever Riley said in that letter had his feathers ruffled" Lucas said "you think he'll be back?" Lucas asked "I don't know" Maya sighed "we could head to Texas, I'm sure Pappy Joe won't mind if we stay for a little while" Lucas said. Maya thought about it, "that would be to obvious and I guarantee you that he's got people watching our every move. We go there he follows" Maya said "our best bet is to stay here until he heads back home then we find out what to do" she continued making her way to the living room. "So we just stay in this apartment until he leaves?" Lucas asked walking behind her "that's my plan" Maya said as she sat down on the couch "what about food?" Lucas asked, Maya paused slowly looking back at him "do we have enough ice cream to last us over a week?" she asked, "nope" Lucas shook his head. Maya gasped getting up handing Preston to him and grabbing her coat and purse before heading to the door, "where are you going?" Lucas laughed "grocery shopping" she said before heading out the door.

Chapter seventeen complete! Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed and have a wonderful day

Your Friend,

Happierحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن