It's beautiful

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As I stepped off the cliff, a huge gush of air hit my face making me squint my eyes a bit. To think this was the last time I would see this amazing sight

I looked up towards the dark sky and whisper "I'm sorry."

Suddenly a sharp pain crawled up my legs then up my back towards my neck. My vision started to turn blurry, until finally, it was pitch black.

It's amazing how I could still think to myself, and how it was possible for me to hear the sounds of the wind blowing on the trees above. Was I not really dead..

"Of course ill be with you forever, your perfect to me, with your blonde locks and your perfect grey eyes, who wouldn't fall for you.. i love you." I said to Scott.

"No, baby you can't stay with me, you have to go now. I promise I'll see you again. But you can't stay here any longer, everyone is worried sick about you, they need you more than I do. I love you more than anything but ill see you again soon, I promise. then we can be together forever. But now come on, start breathing again, open those beautiful eyes of yours" he kissed me and stood in front of me, giving me a weak smile as tears were falling down my eyes.

This is killing him and I knew it.

"i love you baby, theres no doubt in the world" he then hugged me tightly, and planted a soft kiss on my forehead.

Then the room went white, as if something really bright was flashed before my eyes. I started hearing unfimiliar voices, they grew louder, and louder as they came closer. I fluttered my eyes open, but automatically closed them shut ,to the rush of pain that grew all over my body. The piercing pain grew as I tried to speak, my whole body was weak.

"Cindy ! Cindy are you okay!?" I heard someone say.

I hadn't realized there was a group of people surrounding me as I laid their motionless. I wanted to yell in pain but nothing came out. Nothing...

I looked around, wanting someone to help me, anybody. But i didnt know these people. Who where they? Where's Scott, my mom, and my dad?

These people in front of me were only strangers, people who looked at me like if I was somebody important to them. "Baby, i promise you'll be okay, trust me. I'm so sorry I got you into this. I'll help you through it all. I wont leave you ever." I turned to face a young boy with brown locks and green eyes. His eyes looked like if he was crying for ages.

I don't understand why these people are here. Where is Scott and my family! Even though I tried to keep myself awake, my muscles were weak which caused me to slip my hand away from the guy and closed my eyes.

3 weeks later

"Scott dont let me go back there, I can't be there" i half shouted. I opened my eyes quickly and look around. I was laying in a soft bed in a empty bedroom. I looked around confused.

There was absolutely nothing here.

A sound of a door openning caused me to jump in surprised. I quickly turned my face towards the direction of the door to see who camed in to only see it was him again.

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