The Great Escape

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I, Jian am the only son of the current emperor who can no longer have children. I'm fifteen now and my ability in fighting and war strategy surpasses almost every person within the imperial court. As for the most powerful people they were either otherwise occupied or didn't want to i quote 'play with a brat half their age', therefore it has become a bore to continually stay within these walls that hadn't a person to fight equally, nor a way to entertain myself, i am so bored that i might just drop dead of boredom if this continues. At my moment of despair my best friend and most trusted servant, Feng, came into my room, as soon as he saw my face he knew exactly what i was thinking "no. no. no. there is no way i'm going to let you go down to the village, i know you like it there because it's peaceful and the people who know who you are can be counted on one hand, as well as the fact there isn't any nobles whom have sticks up their asses. It isn't safe for you anymore there have been disappearances in that village, it's probably the work of the bandits who recently settled in the area" he ranted on about how, if i were to be kidnapped the emperor would have his head. This is what he usually said when i wanted to go to the little village that was ruled by bandits. I was starting to tune out of his nonstop talking until i heard him say something that caught my attention "apparently the leader of the new group in charge in that village is much stronger than the previous" my head popped up from where it had been resting on my hand, Feng knew he'd made a mistake as he saw my reaction, his eyes went wide and his hands came up quickly to cover his mouth, but after looking at me for awhile his hands dropped back to his sides as if in defeat. Feng sighed then asked in a resigned tone "so, we're settling the usual way?" i hummed and nodded enthusiastically.

"How are you so damn good at rock, paper, scissors?" Feng's face twisted in displeasure as he spoke, i on the other hand was in a happy mood, to the point where i was almost skipping but i just barely managed to refrain as i replied "it isn't that i'm particularly good at it, you just completely and utterly suck. You haven't beaten me even once" his face grew even more gloomy when he heard my retort. I had a little sympathy towards him so i said "should i walking on my hands? Surely that would cheer you up, I know you think it's funny. You used to laugh yourself silly as a kid when i did that" his mouth opened as if to scold me but he didn't get the chance to speak before i bent down, planted my hands firmly on the dirt road, and lifted my legs above my head, i then proceeded to walk on my hands, this was quite an easy accomplishment because of my training, he looked at me shocked for a moment, bursting out laughing the next. Feng was trying to stifle his bubbly laughter and i could feel the slight heat in my cheeks as i mumbled a few words of obscenery aimed at Feng, his laughter only got worse as his sharp ears picked it up as his laughter died down a little "are you the great Jian embarrassed over my laughter? You? who stood up infront of many nobles and said 'i, Jian do not care what a bunch of old men who do nothing except flatter people and spread rumours think of me' " he teased. The hot feeling in my face grew worse i knew i probably looked like a ripe tomato, at that moment i was glad i was still standing on my hands because it was much easier to hide my face "shut up, i was drunk okay?" He made a sound and even though i couldn't see his face i knew exactly what kind of face he was making, he was making a face that said 'oh really?' "who was drunk? You? after a single cup of alcohol?" his tone was disbelieving and i had no retort, it was completely true and utterly embarrassing.

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