Not My Fault!

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Recap:"No problem girly, so what happened?" She says driving away." Jonah won't talk to me, Daniel is being rude all of a sudden" I say." I feel like I'm losing my friends"." Why does Jonah hate u?" She asked." Cuz his cousin came to LA and I walked pass her and she said-CHRISTINA WATCH OUT!" I yelled and a car hit us. I blacked out.

Present day
Jacks P.O.V
The sweetyhigh interview was awesome! Trinity was great, I don't even know why she was so nervous. After the interview I start talking to Daniel while waiting for our ride." Don't u think that Trinity got all the answers?" He says." Daniel ur getting jealous of some questions. This was Trinity's first interview and this was our third" I said. Then Trinity comes up behind me." Hey guys"she says." Excuse me but we are have a conversation" Daniel says rudely. Before I could speak Trinity cuts me off." Daniel are u ok?" She asked." Please get out of our conversation" he says. I open my mouth but get cut of again." Fine...umm..Jack I'll be with Christina" Trinity says disappointed. I sigh and start talking to Corbyn. It was time to go and Trinity wasn't going with us. Tbh I was really nervous about her being by her self. I mean since every thing that's happen to her she has been thinking of self harm.
(A/N: Self harm is something people deal with all the time. Don't make a person push u that far that u think of this. People who think of this take my advice and ignore the person and get a adult. Because u are STRONG*BEAUTIFUL* POWERFUL. Love you guys💕💓) I tell Trinity not to let this get to her. My thoughts get interrupted by a phone call." Hello?" I ask." Is this Jack Avery?" A voice asked." This is he" I say." Your partner Trinity and a friend has been in a car accident" she says. Once 'Trinity' and 'accident' come out of her mouth my heart sank." Guys. Trinity and Christina are in the hospital" I say freaking out." WHAT!?" Corbyn yelled." Head towards the hospital! NOW!" Zach yelled." Which hospital?!" I asked." California Clinic Hospital" (I don't know if that's a real hospital)she says." That's not far from here" I mumble." Lock the door!" Jonah says. But it was to late. I got out and ran between the cars. Cars honking there horn but I didn't care. I kept running till I got to the hospital.

Corbyn's P.O.V
Jack got a phone call and his face went pale. I was confused at first until he said " Guys Trinity and Christina are in the hospital" ." WHAT!?" I yell." Head towards the hospital! NOW!" Zach yells." Which hospital?!" Jack asked. Jack had it on speaker." California Clinic Hospital" she says." That's not far from here" Jack mumbles." Lock the doors!" Jonah says. But Jack got out and took off running. We heard horns honking but Jack didn't seem to mind.

Trinity's POV
I wake up to my head, ribs, and arm hurting. I look around and see my arm in a cast. The beeping noise in my ear. Then I hear yelling, I recognized it was Jacks voice. I giggled a little knowing that Jack cared. Then Jack comes though the door pushing people out the way. He locks the door and kisses me." Baby what happened? What's out side?" I ask." Since the interview people found out ur the sister of Shay Mitchell, the paparazzi is here.Now ur famous world wide." He says opening the door for my sister." Omg Trinity! I got a call and headed straight here" she says. " I'm so confused. When I leave will the paparazzi follow me?" I ask." Unfortunately Yes" Shay says." Does Chris know I'm here?" I ask referring to my little brother." Yes he does. He says he wants to come visit u" she says. Then the nurse comes. " Hello Trinity, I'm nurse Lela. Do u feel any pain right now?" Lela asked." My ribs hurt and my head hurts same with my arm" I say." Well ur arm is broken. We had to take u into surgery to get 2 ribs removed because they broke, and your hit ur head really hard on the dashboard" she says. "When can she leave?" Jack asked." She can leave tomorrow cause we need to make sure she doesn't have a concussion" Lela says." Ok" he says. " Omg where's Christina?" I ask." Christina is in surgery right now" she says. " Jack where is the boys? Didn't they come with u?" I asked." Nope I ran to the hospital" he says. I smiled cause he did that." Shay?" I ask." Yes?" She says." Does mom and dad know I'm here?"
" Well there going to find out sooner or later"
Then the boys run in.
Zach comes to my side.
" Where is Christina!?" Corbyn yelled at me. I flinched and turned my head." Dude it's not Trinity's fault!" Jack yelled." Who's fault is it?" He asked." The driver who crashed into them" jack said." Christina is in surgery right now" Lela said." I'll be outside" Corbyn said." Trinity gets some rest and you'll be able to go home tomorrow" she said." Ok" I said and fell into a deep sleep.

Dream: I was running down the street , out of breath and it was cold. I broke up with him and he won't leave me alone. He wants me back and he'll do anything to find me!

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