Wedding Part 1

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Today is the big day!
Getting married.
Having a family.
And boy was I nervous.
Not knowing what to expect was killing me. But my family and friends were going to be there. Let's hope nothing goes wrong, and boy was I wrong. The one and only ____ objects for the wedding.

6 hours earlier

Yesterday was amazing. Miami is such a beautiful place,with breath taking views. Getting to meet my best friends yesterday was awesome! Anyway it's about 7:30 am and I'm currently getting dressed to go get breakfast for me and Jack. Oh and the baby in my stomach. I walk downstairs to the buffet and see Leo? " Leo what are you doing here?" I ask not know if he knew I was staying here. " Oh Trinity, Hey I'm here because of my girlfriend, remember I told you yesterday I got one" he says trying to make me remember the events last night. " Ohh, your girlfriend lives in Miami?" I ask picking some food and putting it on my plate." No she staying  here for a while for something her friend is doing" he tells me." Cool, whats her name?" I curiously ask while taking some food and taking a bite. " Tori" he says. I immediately choke on my food." Who?" I say not really processing what he just said. " Tori Amber" he said. " Oh umm I don't know who that is," I say lying,"but it was nice meeting you I have to get back to my hotel room, I'll see you later?" I say getting the food and speed walking back to Jack. I put in my key card and open the door. I walk into Jack with out a shirt on. Quite sexy if you asked me. Trinity that's not the time!! I shake my self out of my thoughts and give Jack a kiss." Hey baby" I say handing him his food." Hey" he says. I could tell he's still tired by his tone. I put my food on the table and I get some water. I start to eat while Jack is staring at his food." Jack? Honey what's wrong?" I ask turning his way. He doesn't answer and he starts to eat. Confused, I throw away my trash and sit on the bed. Jack looked stressed and worn out. I rubbed his back and whispered cute and nice things in his ear. He finished eating and I threw away his trash. I look back at him. He looks sick and tried. I walk over and feel his head." Babe do you want more rest?" I ask. He looks me in the eyes, not knowing either to say yes or no. " I'm going to let you sleep Ok?" I say. He nods and gets back in bed. I cover him in the blanket and say " I'll be back" and kiss his head. I walk to Christina and Corbyn's room. I knock on the door and right  now it's 8:00 so they should be up. The door opens and it's Christina." Hey?" She says." Hey, umm I need you" I say." Yea totally" she said letting me in." What's up?"
"This morning I saw my ex Leo, and he said his girlfriend is Tori. Now Jack is acting like he's sick or completely brain washed." I explain." It stress and anxiety, remember the wedding is today. He is probably still nervous" she says." How do you know?" I ask." Corbyn let's me get to know the guys, Jack is like my best friend. I know him" she explained. I nod and think about what's currently happening. " I'm going to go, I'll see you later" I say. She nods and I walk back to my room. Jack was peaceful sleeping, I knew he was tired, but was Christina right? Was it stress and anxiety? I brush the thoughts off my shoulders and watch Tv. They wasn't much to do, the church was booked,dresses and flowers were done. Jack's tux was done. Our families got here a few hours ago, they booked a hotel next to ours. I let Jack lay his head on my lap, me stroking his hair. Oh I mean Curls😂. I was nervous Jack didn't want to get married anymore. Thoughts were going through my head like  a water current. But once again my thoughts were shook out of me, by Zach, Corbyn, Christina, Jonah, and Daniel. " Hey guys" I say trying to be quiet. "Why are you being quiet?" Zach asked. I point to Jack sleeping and he got the hint. I pick up Jacks head put it on a pillow, then I jump out of bed. "How is he doing?" Christina asked." Fine so far" I say looking back at Jack. "What do u mean?" Corbyn said to Christina. "Trinity came to me, saying that Jack was acting weird" she says. Corbyn looked mad and confused.  What do you mean?" Corbyn said. Christina looked at me." I'll tell you later" she says walk out the room." No tell me now!" He says following her, out of the room. All of us could hear there argument all the way down the hallway." Jesus Christ." I say. "I know." The boys said. I look back at Jack still sleeping. "Is that the first time they've been doing that?" I ask.
"So far yes." Jonah says.
"So what's going on with Jack?" Daniel asked.
" I don't know. He acted like he didn't want to eat or he was tired. It's just I'm worried he might not want to get married or have a baby anymore." I sigh putting my head in my hands.
"We all know that's not true because Jack has literally been so excited about having a baby and getting married. Jack is just processing this very clearly and he going to need time." Zach says. I smile and breathe out a breath I was holding in. "Ok I'll just leave him to sleep and- Oh I didn't tell you this but Leo my ex boyfriend his new girl is Tori. Tori is the girl that Leo cheated on me with back in high school. And I bumped into him while I was getting breakfast so just be alert. I'm scared." I warn. They all nod.

We hear screaming next door. "Omg Christina?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2018 ⏰

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