A woman burned

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A woman burned
her stomach bleeding
hope leaving
heart deceiving
love a ghost
a foreign thing
object that comes from within
virgin to real love but a slut to artificial
cuts so deep the knife seeps
A woman burned
thinks to herself
late hours at night
thoughts that give her freight
she wish she might
take it all away
maybe someday
but she doesn't need or want the man
the man to come save her
or even take her
a hold, a bond, a grip
don't bend
blend in with her
care for her
No crutches though for she can stand on her own
she's gotten grown
grown enough but not so
fear swallows her whole
her destiny unclear
only in the visions my dear
friend or foe
they come and go
A woman burned
loses herself to reality
find it hard to be
trapped inside a glass
yelling, tears streaming
her fingers bleeding
heart heavy
she wipes the dust
silent yet loud cries
quiet or they'll hear, they'll know
the issue and try to fix you
Trapped inside
fighting for her life
be you
but how, no why
try to see the pain in me
indeed it'll engulf you
drag you to a place so deep
it'll consume you
spit you out to tear you down again
day by day you pray to keep the pain away
A woman burned
it creeps on you
your neck
mouth smothered
tears trail
making long marks along the face in agony
so bear with me
I'm only trying to say
I need a day
to get it all out
All I want to do is shout
A woman burned
Teaches herself
Silence is better
Strength is not letting them fall
but she's told by many
it's okay honey
it's actually quite opposite
now sit down and tell us the issue
so we can try and fix you
A woman burned
takes a deep breath
look into my eyes and tell me what you see
No what you want to see
A different me
the happy me
not the one that stares indifferently
not the one who sees through the bullshit and lies
not the one that's inside
trying to break out
for fear she might freak out
she relays her message to those that know and those only
only told her homie
who was there when she was no good
in the hood where they lived
but no one gets that either
thinks she never did
because she changed, she knew
she still does
it was what it was
A woman burned
scorched and turned
away from those she loves
burns by those she trusts
left alone to wallow
her insides hallow
the story isn't over
I guess it was better to do this sober

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