The Day My World Crashed

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The Day My World Crashed

Prologue:  Jamie Bark

Racing towards the stop sign, Tim tried to take back control of the wheel but something had blown and sent our car sky rocketing across the dark, icy road without a warning. Horns honked and I braced myself with little more than a breath. Tim didn’t have time to look at me as he slammed his foot onto the brake, it didn’t work, we didn’t stop.

At speed I saw a blur, a wall and the broken glass flying in towards me. As the front of the car caved in so did my stomach, I was in too much shock to realise the sharp pain I was experiencing was the metal of the door scrunching up into my side and my knees being forced up with it. The airbag was no relief, if it had ejected I couldn’t tell, all I could feel was a suffocated shroud over me.

Dick in the back hadn’t been wearing his seat belt, we’d tried to tell him to, but he laughed it off. He was sitting behind me, but now my chair had been crushed further forward into the metal of the door that had raced to meet me, and I felt my chest hit the dashboard as the shroud of suffocation subsided and my forehead met some of the broken glass and bricks in front of me. My seat belt had wrestled me back, or tried, against the strain of the seat that had pushed me forward, and instead I felt it’s restriction cutting into me much further than the meshed door had.

How vividly I can see it. Everything running in slow motion.

Now all I hear is silence from Tim. Dick is screaming and I’m… slipping… All I see is a blur of red from the blood dribbling down my forehead and all I’m thinking about is Hannah. The last things I said to her, or didn’t say, I was such an idiot.

After playing over the last minute a few times, I know I’m going to die tonight. And the only thing I want to think about, if I’m going to die, is the one face I have to leave behind, the one person I should have made thing’s right with.

And now, blackness.


a/n So this was a prologue for a book called 'the day my world crashed' that I wrote after coming home from the cinema one night almost three years ago. On the way, I'd seen an Ambulance rushing against traffic to get somewhere and being an anxiety sufferer, I felt that fear in my gut. The kind you get when you think someone you know is involved in an accident.

So I started to think, what if that did happen. What if someone was on their way home from the cinema with friends and an ambulance went by and they just knew that something had happened to someone they knew? I wanted to write that story, instead I wrote the prologue (in the view of the one crushed in the accident) and some notes that never made it into a book.

This idea still belongs to me, I will not take kindly to seeing this prologue turn up anywhere else. Especially as I may reformat and re-write this to fit into another project later. For now, it is what it is. The last page of Jamie Bark's story and the first page of those dealing with his loss.

With Love Caroline xo

With Love: A Collection of WorksOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz