Mr. MM

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Vera walked down the street of the 20th ward. It was the first time she had made it down there in the almost two months since she arrived in Tokyo. Mostly keeping in and around the 4th ward, she decided to check out that ghoul cafe that Ita had mentioned. Turning down an alley she smelt the scent of a male ghoul.
The ghoul walked behind a small human girl with a black hood over her head. He couldn't see her face, but her scent drove him insane. 'I must have her.'
Vera look her mask out of her front cubby pocket, it was October and it had started to get too cold to walk around in a tank top. Being careful not to make much movement, she slipped off her sunglasses and secured mask to her face. With her left eye resting her senses were heightened enough in case of a fight.
Suddenly she stopped, the ghoul behind her stopped a couple feet from her. "Why're you following me?" She asked already knowing the answer; she could smell the RC cell filled spit that had dripped from the corner of his mouth. He was hungry; she wasn't going to be his meal.
He was taken back by her question, not many of his meals knew what hit them. "I live down this way," he lied, "not my fault that you're here too."
She turned around and faced the unnamed ghoul, he seemed to be around 17 with light purple hair, his face barely covered by the half moon mask. Looking at her glowing red eye from inside the mask he backed up, he wasn't prepared for this. Vera was shocked by what she saw, she knew she'd have no chance against him in a fight, half starved freaks she could deal with; he looked like he had eaten only a week ago, his body still healthy and shiny looking.
"I apologize mademoiselle," he bowed, "I thought you were human." His eyes snapped back up at her from his deep bow; he showed his neck as a gesture, not an invitation.
"It's okay," she sighed. "No harm done right?"
Looking back up at her slow words he laughed. "Yes, no harm little gaijin." Before she had time to translate the new word, he had walked out of the alley to hunt for another victim.
She never made it to the cafe, the chance encounter with the unnamed ghoul had scared her. She was used to being hunted, but the look in his eyes, the way he laughed and he moved had sent shivers down her spine. She regretted for a moment that her sent attracted attention from ghouls.
She mostly stayed in the 4th ward when she wasn't hunting, though she hasn't seen the mask maker since he gave her the mask almost a month and a half ago. On her way to finding a new victim one evening, she witnessed a human carrying a suitcase kill a masked ghoul. They fought hard, yet was still killed by the white haired man. The man laughed as he killed, laughed when the ghoul brought out his kagune, and laughed when he had first set eyes on his own victim of the night. She sat in the darkness above the alleyway, hidden from the crazy man who killed ghouls for fun. She heard that the 7th ward was under attacked by the "doves," but she didn't realize that they were humans.
Vera couldn't stop watching the demise of the ghoul, the flamboyant masquerade style mask had been knocked off her face when he hit his final deadly blow, exposing her beautiful face for all to see. She couldn't look away from her dead eyes as they turned back to a dull brown. She watched as more of the doves came and took her body away. She heard him yell to his colleagues about a quinque, in these moments she wished she knew Japanese better. The embarrassment of slow choppy sentences didn't compare to not know what a word meant and having to ask for help. Like most things she shrugged it off, but she still never did found out what the ghoul in the alley had called her.
After over an hour of watching the police pick apart the scene, Vera got up to leave when a hand touched her shoulder. She jumped up and away from the ghoul behind her. Her eyes snapped up and widened when she noticed the familiar purple hair that rested on top of the now unmasked man. Although unmasked, shadowed distorted his face enough to make her wonder what he really looked like. "Hello, mademoiselle." His voice rang in her ears. "Enjoying the show?"
"I-" she stuttered. "I guess. Did you know her?"
He hummed, "Hmm, she was acquainted with my father, though I cannot say I knew anything more about her. She put up a good fight, no?" He laughed at the memory of her fighting; hgh class ghouls never put up good enough fights in his opinion.
She rolled her covered eyes at him. The sarcasm dropped off his tongue as he spoke. He stepped out of the shadows, showing his young yet beautiful face to her for the first time. He really was only around 17, much too young for someone of her age to fantasize about, but that didn't stop her from gasping at his beauty. "Who are you?"
He bowed flamboyantly down at her and announced, "Tsukiyama, Shuu."
She almost laughed at the way he placed such high importance on his name. She had never heard of him or his family, yet here he was acting as though that was the most interesting thing about him; though if she was honest to herself– it probably was. She didn't laugh though, instead she stuck out her hand like the American she was and announced much like he did, "Cain, Vera Cain."
"Miss. Vera Cain," he grasped her hand without missing a beat. "How very nice to formally meet you. It's very unfortunate that we couldn't make proper introductions the last time we met, I hope you understand the feeling of being in mid-hunt."
Letting go of his hand she said, "yes of course, Shuu, it's no problem at all." She still didn't feel comfortable around him; many ghouls in Tokyo gave her bad feelings.
His eyes narrowed at the lack for formalities, but he wouldn't comment on it. She was older than him, and he would respect that. "I was just on my way to dinner, would you like to join me?"
"I-" she paused, he stuck out his hand, palm up, inviting her with him. She didn't trust him, but she trusted her ability to get out of things enough to agree. "Okay."
He smiled at her as she took his hand. He loved inviting new ghouls around town to the restaurant, something about the way they watched their food get killed for them enticed him in a way he didn't understand. He often got them hooked on these easy meals, which brings more money in for his family to enjoy. The cost of a show and a meal from one of the top restaurants in the world was high, but the way it makes them feel is often all too worth the hefty price.
Inside Shuu had her shower and change into a long black evening gown. She left her short hair alone and put her mask on like he told her to. It was nice to have a hot shower, and she didn't mind the dress either. She opted for a pair of flats and walked out the bathroom door. Shuu surprised her with his simple black suit and red tie; he insisted that they needed to match. They walked down the long hallway until the reached double doors with two butlers. "Mr. MM, plus one."
Silently they opened the large doors and allowed the two inside the crowded room. Hundreds of ghouls sat and chatted with each other, calmly waiting for the show to begin. Shuu showed her to her seat, right in front on a large balcony looking over both the pit and the guests. With his moon shaped mask on, he sat down on the other side of her.
Many moments later doors to the pit opened up, allowing 5 nicely dressed humans to enter. The announcer explained what was happening to the unsuspecting humans, one of whom broke down crying upon hearing she would be dying soon. He explained that they were freshly washed and ready to be eaten. He then brought attention to the large woman next to him, "Big Madam," he said, "has been kind enough to to allow her scraper to entertain you tonight." Another door opened and out stepped a small girl with long white hair carrying two small hand knives. The only male in the group of humans must have thought he could overpower her because he ran up to her but was soon stabbed in the eye with her knife. She had somehow jumped high enough to reach his eyes before inflicting the burial attack on the man.
She laughed at his cries. She called herself a 'good boy' as she went on to kill the man and after only 15 minutes she had killed the 5 humans and went back into the door she came out of. A couple minutes later the fresh kill was placed on everyone's tables as they ate their food. She had gotten a piece of the crying girl's arms as well as the undamaged eye from the male. She neatly ate her food while creating small talk with Shuu. She found him correcting her pronunciations as she taught him English sayings and phrases. They formed an easy connection, neither fully trusting the other yet both laughing and telling mostly truths to each question they were asked. Even when they were done she couldn't make herself leave. She almost wished she'd come again just to sit and talk with him like this again.
When they were finally finished she changed back into the normal clothes, a black sweatshirt and new-to-her jeans. Once she was far enough away she switched her mask for her sunglasses and headed for the 4th ward, back to her makeshift home only blocks from HySy ArtMask Studio.

Don't Try to Change Me in Anyway. (Tokyo Ghoul, Uta x OC)Where stories live. Discover now