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By the time Vera woke up she was alone. The room smelt like dry paint and leather, but she was too weak to activate her kakugan to see clearly. What she could see was something dangling from the ceiling, a small window that glowed green from the lights outside and light coming from the hallway though the open door.

Vera didn't know where she was.

She tried to sit up but pain shot through her abdomen, jogging her memory of why she was here. "I tried to fight a CCG agent?" She thought to herself. She squeezed her eyes shut, her blurry vision giving her already weakened state a headache. She needed to feed, she was well aware what happened when ghouls were this hurt. She pushed herself through the pain and stood up, the sent of ghoul crawled in as a shadow appeared at the door. Not thinking Vera ran, the best she could, at it and bit down, not at all caring who this ghoul was. Once it's blood touched her tongue she snapped back into reality, she was at Uta's house, in his room, eating his flesh. By this time she had already chewed her bite off him and jumped off him. The lasting pain of her wounds faded as her body started digesting the RC filled meat. She looked up at him, he was holding his arm where she had fed from but otherwise looked unfazed by her attack. "Uta..." she started, but he took his hand off the wound and showed it was completely healed.

His mouth turned upwards in a small smile, "I didn't think I'd like to be eaten that much." His eyes were a little hooded and his voice a little deeper, but Vera stared at his healed arm, not even paying attention to his remark. Uta played with his lip ring for a second, he was uncomfortable with her staring at him, most people avoided eye contact with him yet here she was not taking her eyes off him. "Vera?"

Her eyes snapped back up to his, the look of wonder prevalent in her eyes. "You're not mad?"

He shrugged, "I should've left something in here for you to eat. You've been out for almost a day, I'm surprised you didn't die honestly." She looked down and muttered something in English and looked back at him. When their eyes met again he saw her kakugan start to fade, the small bite from him healed her wounds but didn't give her any more energy than she had when she woke up. Slowly her red eye turned blue and she blinked.

She blinked and suddenly he was very blurry; she saw his red and black eyes as the Now red light from the window caught them just right. She looked around but without much light she couldn't see much of anything in his room. "Is your friend still here?" She asked suddenly worried he'd seen her eyes.

"No," he answered, "Renji left after I sobered up enough to watch after you." His eyes looked away from her, "I shouldn't have gotten drunk like that. I'm too much of a lightweight to control myself and got into some stupid fight with a Dove and I shouldn't have done that." It was almost an apology, probably the only one he'd ever give her, but he did feel bad about her getting hurt because of him. He had talked to Renji about it in his drunken state, that much her remembered, and he said they fought after Uta had been knocked down. For some reason Uta stayed down until after the fight and helped Ren bring Vera to his apartment.

Uta knew why he attacked that Dove. Just two years prior he had killed many of the clowns that had fought in the 4th ward; he and one of his buddies had almost killed Renji, so when he saw him there in the ally, finishing off another kill, Uta saw red. His jealousy, his anger, his fear, his pain filled him and he attacked. He wanted to prolong the fight, he wanted to feel the flesh of the guy peel away at his fingertips, he wanted revenge for the pain he caused Renji. He didn't care about the other clowns, yeah he was mad they were killed but he was mad because they had to go underground after that, he lost his position as peacekeeper because of it and he was angry.

Ren told him the guy was alive when they left, but unless someone saved him quick he was as good as dead. For the first couple of hours after Ren left Uta was mad at Vera, he wondered how much damage was from him and how much was from her, but when she wouldn't wake up after 12 hours he started to worry. 20 hours after their fight he went and checked on her when she attacked him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2017 ⏰

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