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The morning started with fervent preparations from the girls side as today was no other than Isac. It was their first time attending one since debut and they were very excited and determined to win some medals. They boosted each others confidence by giving encouraging pats on the backs and soothing smiles.

"Girls, remember, we are going there to enjoy and mingle with other co idols. It's not necessary to win a medal always. What's more important is that we give buddy's a good time and have fun." Sowon said

"But it would be better if we had some medals too." Sinb added

And so started another day with a little bickering from the tom and Jerry line. The others just laughed knowing they just liked to pull each others tails.

Once they arrived at the shooting location they were in awe. They only saw so many other co idols in music shows but this time the feeling was different. It was competitive.

"Look! It's our Sunbae!" Yerin shouted in excitement. The girls immediately turned towards her line of sight and saw Bangtan standing on the sidelines massaging each others necks and shoulders.

"Shush Yerin! What if someone heard you? They would surely start rumors." Sowon scolded.

"Sorry unnie." Yerin said giving her infamous eye smile.

"Come on. Let's go and sit with Twice. I see Sana there." Eunha said excited to meet new people and some friends. Twice had debuted at the same time as Gfriend though they debuted a little later.

"Yuju unnie. See your classmate dokyeom is also present with the rest of his members." Umji said

Yuju turned to their direction and immediately caught Dokyeom looking at her. He smiled and waved at her and she did the same.

"Aww you both are so cute!" Umji exclaimed. Yuju just blushed

"Umji-ah, we are just fri-"

"Not as cute as me and Unnie!" Sinb said with a slight glare towards Umji as she hugged Yuju from the side and rested her head on her neck.
Umji just chuckled. She felt someone looking at her and as she truned her head in that direction she saw Suga. He was sitting just opposite to her but had a pillow and seemed to be almost dozing off just looking at her. He seemed to be muttering something slowly. Umji wondered if he was talking to her as she pointed at herself. Apparently he saw that and smiled at her.

"Come on unnie let's go and play." Sinb recommended as she pulled Yuju along with her to run around the court. As they were running around and telling buddies to cheer them harder they bumped into Jungkook and Jimin who were standing and waving at armies.

"Oh we're so sorry. We didn't see you." Sinb and Yuju apologized as they bowed at them.

"No that's alright." Jimin smile and bowed at them too. Meanwhile Jungkook stood there awkwardly and tried to smile which came out as a grimace.

It was time for the races to begin. First was the men's 40m race. Jungkook had surprisingly signed up for not only all the races but also the relay race and wrestling matches. As Yuju and the rest of gfriend sat down to view the show. They were impressed. No wonder they called him the 'Golden Maknae'.

"Ah, there he goes. He grew up right in my arms. Our Jungkook is so versatile. He got his good looks from me you know." Jin said in praise.

Sowon just rolled her eyes. Typical Jin. He finds a way to insert a self compliment.

"Our Yuju is no less too. She could easily beat Jungkook anyday." Sowon whispered but apparently Jin heard it and turned towards her

"Oh yeah? Well, can your Yuju wrestle?"

"Yes she can."

"Can she rap?"


"Can she flip pancakes?"

Sowon paused for a moment. "Yes she can."

"Can she cook?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes! She can do everything. Why are you underestimating her?"

"I'm not underestimating her. "

Sowon just smirked. "Oh yeah? Just wait and watch. But try to keep your mouth closed. Flies might enter if you are not careful."

"So it's a bet?" Jin asked

" yeah its a bet."

"The one who wins the most events wins the bet."

"Any terms and conditions?"

"None except that you stop complimenting yourself for 5months. Thats means no compliments about your visual and no making anyone else compliment you. If you do, then you can't eat your favourite food for a week for each compliment you get."

Jimin's eyes were as wide as saucers which caused Eunha to giggle at him. Suga, Namjoon, Jhope and Taehyung kept quiet not wanting to get in the middle of this.

Jin hesitated but agreed. "Fine."

"What about your part of the deal?" Sowon raised an eyebrow.

Jin opened his mouth to speak but Sowon cut him off.

"You know what? I don't want to hear it. I'm sure Yuju will win. I believe in her."

It was not surprising to learn that Jungkook came first in almost all of the events he had particiapted in.

"Yeah that's my boy! Making his mama and bts proud!" Jin said as Namjoon nodded in agreement with a grin plastered on his face. Gfriend too clapped in appreciation. Sowon muttered something under her breath.

Next was the archery round. The maknae line had participated in this and were expecting a win when

"Ah, I can't shoot with my left hand." Taehyung said as an excuse as he gave an awkward smile. They lost and came second in place.

When it was the female archery round everyone was surprised at how good gfriend was playing.

"Wow. I never knew that she was so good at archery. Look at her moves and posture." Jimin said in appreciation towards Eunha.

"Stop being a pervert hyung. Checking out her body huh?" Jungkook said.

"Yah Jungkook. How dare you talk to me like that. I was born in Busan first."

"I have no response to that."

"You better."

Meanwhile Suga was watching Umji from the back. She had a kind aura and a babyish face which was so cute and chubby he just wanted to squeeze her cheeks. He remembered when he told a fan that he liked younger girls because he liked it when they called him oppa. He said it with Umji in his mind. Though they hadn't interacted much he would always monitor gfriend's performances along with the rest of bts and their ceo. She caught his attention.

Umji again felt someone's stare at her back and she turned to see Suga once again staring at her. But only this time he was awake. She smiled at him secretly and bowed a little so that the fans wouldn't misunderstand or create any rumors.

It was time for an interview with the archery team wherein Sinb was the MC.

"How does it feel like coming in second place?"

"I am quite disappointed because we couldn't win. But it's alright. When you have obstacles you remove them." Jimin said jokingly as he stared at Taehyung who looked sheepish.

"Can you show us some moves for the fans?"

Taehyung stepped forward and tried to show the move but ended up slapping himself somehow because he got distracted by Yerin's funny face in the crowd which was actually done in response to something Yuju had said.
The crowd laughed but he straightened himself up and went back to place.

"Ah, thanks for showing us the move Taehyung shi. We will end the interview now." Sinb said trying to control her voice from wavering as she always laughs easily to the smallest of things. However, hearing Jhopes loud laugh from the crowd she too started laughing.

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