(1) im so happy! ....at least i was....

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((Their is a trigger warning witch I'm not gonna say cuz I want it to be a plot twist but be careful reading this))

Cry's POV))

As I walk with the huge group of people screaming happily and all covered in rainbow, I couldn't help but smile. You see I was at pride fest in my rainbow sweater black jeans shorts and rainbow converse. Pride fest was my favourite time of the year, I get to be myself, I get to be the pansexual guy I am.

I walked around the pride fest area I could see all the booths selling pins flags and much more, I had already bought a bunch of pins for my school back pack that said stuff like 'let's get something straight I'm not' 'it's not just phase' and my two favourites 'hella pan' and 'I can't even drive straight'. This was the greatest day of my life, I was enjoying every second every little thing that happened. Nothing could ruin this day, or so I thought...

As I walked around, it already being very late at night and almost completely black other then all the lights from pride I began to get lost, no big deal tho I was still in the pride area so I should be fine. Plus I can just call my mom if I need help getting home. I let out a sigh of happiness, everyone here was so kind and loving. I took a step back smiling that I'd until someone grabbed me and put something over my mouth and nose, I tried to scream but could and the next thing I knew, everything went dark.

After what I assumed was a while I woke up I was tied to a chair in a very dark room, as my eyes adjusted to the darkness I seen a man in the corner of the room then I saw two guys then three. They all had the same dark evil smirk, they walked closer and closer until they were all right in front of me. I was in complete shock not able to say a word, not able to cry, not able to move..

They slowly untied me quickly grabbing my arms, I started to put up a fight but it was no use, they were so much strong then me. The biggest of the guys grabbed something I could see but I knew instantly as he clicked a hand cuff to my wrist that was attached to a chain connected to the ceiling I began to fight more but it was no use. Then he did the same with my other arm then both my ankles had hand cuffs on them connected to chains attached to the floor.

They all let me go as I tried to fight out of the restraints, the same man who locked me up with this walked over to a small handle turning it the restraints tightened and slowly lifted me off the ground I was stuck there. The two men who had a hold of me walked over holding scissors, they began to cut off my sweater and shirt I tried to fight but the more I did the more it hurt. Then they moved down cutting off my shorts and underwear. There was nothing I could do, all I did was cry and begged for them to stop and let me go, but it obviously didn't work.

For the next year I was there prisoner, I was rapped more then once every day in many different ways, I was hurt and beat to near death, but I wasn't lucky enough to have death happen. I'd rather be dead then let this continue.

The day I was kidnapped was my thirteenth birthday, and I stayed with these men till the day I turned fourteen, I was going through my usual rape, having one of there dicks in my mouth and the other two behind me fucking me mercifully as I cried wanting nothing more then to die. As they were about to cum, two police people smash the door open holding guns I was in shock, scared out of my mind, I didn't know what would happen. Out of shock and fear I passed out.

And that bring me to today, my 20th birthday (yes I know cry is older then that) I sat there in my mask that I have barely taken off since I was 14, I sat all my friends around me singing happy birthday, all I could do was pull down the long sleeves of my sweater and fake a smile. I also pretend I'm so happy with my life, but that's a lie, since that terrible year of my life that non of my friends know about I've never been the same. Not even my roommate best friend and crush knew about it and I also told him everything....almost. I don't think I'm ever gonna tell him about what happened tho, I don't even like to think about the pain they caused me. Those people were the ones who gave me the nickname cry, cuz I'd cry everyday with them, so they just began calling me cry. I kept that nickname all these years so I could remember how worthless I amm my friends don't know that every time they say cry all I can think is, I'm worthless, I'm stupid, I'm only here to be used, my life isn't worth living.

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