(2) how i spent my 20th birthday

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Cry's POV))

As the party started to die down and people began to leave, i was quickly left alone with just Felix. "So what now cry? It's your birthday so you can decided what we do." As much as I wanted to hang out with Felix, I couldn't right now. "Actually I'm gonna go to bed early if that's alright, I'm tired" he smiled and nodded. I walked to my room locking the door behind me, I sat quietly on my bed. Maybe today... maybe today is the day... the day I finally get to leave this world. I grabbed a rope from my closet quickly tying it into a noose, with the amount Of times I have tied a noose I could do this in my sleep. I constantly tie nooses but then I never have the gut to use them so I just end up untying them.

As I stared at the noose, I took a big sigh, what about Felix... how would this effect him...I know it probably wouldn't effect him, but what if it did, what if it made him just as sad as I am now. So sad that it can lead him to cutting, or worse...what I'm thinking right now. I can't bare the thought of Felix killing him self. With that finally thought I untied the noose, maybe tomorrow.

I put the rope away, and settled on just cutting, I walked to my dresser moving all my clothes only to a small box behind them. I grabbed it before taking it with sigh before opening it. Inside were an assortment of blades, some from pencil sharpeners some from razors I broke and many others. I settled on the pencil sharpener blade, I sat on the floor pulling up my sweater sleeves.

I slowly pressed the blade over my left wrist, I dragged it across the sensitive skin watching the blood flow down my arm and onto the floor I let out a sigh. Is this what life is for me... cutting...slowly breaking...till there's nothing left of me.

((Sorry it's short))

Just jump they all said (pewdiecry) (slow updates) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat