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you are not annoying.

venting about your feelings is a natural thing for anyone to do. you're not annoying. you're not extra. you're not wanting too much attention. you aren't feeling what you're feeling for publicity or for people to notice you.

it's okay.

this feeling might constantly tell you that it's not okay to talk about how you feel, but trust me, just saying it aloud makes a lot of difference.

if you're sad, say you're sad.

if you're irritated, say you're irritated.

if you're bothered about something, no matter how small or insignificant it might be for others, say that it is bothering you.

saying you're fine is never going to help. it will just postpone all the chaos for another time, the time that may never come.

all these feelings that you never say just because you don't want to bother someone, are piling up so quickly and so heavily in your conscious that one day, it will turn into brutal quicksand and you will not be able to pull yourself out.

if people who care about you ask you about your feelings it means that they voluntarily want to be bothered.

stop giving these emotions so much importance because at the end of the day these emotions are not what matters. what matters is you.

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