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self care.

now self care is something personal to everyone, everyone feels better after doing certain things but i'm just gonna state some that have helped me feel a little bit better, a little bit calmer, a little bit more like i'm there. like i'm breathing and i'm relevant and i've achieved something.

these are all going to be kind of materialistic and not the emotional self care, but i feel like sometimes analysing your emotions is way harder than just putting on a face-pack and laying under the sun.

1) shower with cold water. it takes some time to get used to but for people who self harm, hot water can be triggering because you might try to set the temperature way too high to be comfortable. take a cold shower lasting about 5-10 minutes and i assure you, when you come back out you'd feel a bit more sorted than you did when you stepped in.

2) apply face masks, face packs, nail polish, moisturiser, just something that helps you distract yourself from yourself for a while.

3) take a walk. i know you feel really lethargic all the time and you don't wanna get out of bed after you've already been to school but trust me, just go outside for a while, sit in the grass, play on the swings, walk around, ride your bike. do something in fresh air and that will make it easier for you to breathe. you don't have to have company, you can go alone and have some time to yourself.

4) change. whenever you feel you're extremely tired and/or you just don't wanna do anything except just stare at the ceiling—wash your face, change your clothes and tidy up your hair. it will help you in becoming a little more active than you were previously.

5) music. feeling unrealistically annoyed/emotional/sad/nothing at all? blast the loudest bop you have and dance. don't know how to dance? just jump around. just have a fucking party with yourself.

6) eat. i know emotionally eating is unhealthy but sometimes i eat a raw carrot and feel accomplished. it's not much, but it's something.

7) drink some warm milk and honey. it really helps you calm down if you're feeling anxious.

8) hold ice cubes in your hand if the anxiety is getting bad, it helps with your blood flow and makes you feel more placid.

that's all i can think of for now, but i really hope at least one of these help you because they have really helped me at some point of time.

i repeat these are things that work out for me and might/might not work out for you. as i said, self care is very subjective.

please take care of yourselves and comment some tips that help you so it can help others!

any other things you want me to talk about? don't be hesitant at all, i'll try talking about anything you guys want if it helps :)

comment here

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