Chapter 17

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I start to stir, pain being the first thing to greet me.

My throat feels super dry, but I manage a groan anyways as the memories of yesterday flood back in. I guess my back is pretty bad, or I am just very intolerant to pain.

"Good morning," Skylar's soft voice greets me second. I open my eyes to find I'm still in the same position from last night, but this time my head is resting on Skylar's thighs with her leaning against the wall.

I lift my head a little bit, but shocks of pain sent down my back forces me to lay it back down.

"You slept through all of yesterday and last night, it's Tuesday Morning," Skylar informs me.

This causes me to raise my head again. I turn to look at her, her beautiful blue eyes lock onto mine. They're crystal blue, similar to Glacier lakes, and filled with sympathy.

"Will you help me sit up?" I scratchily get out.

She kind of raises her eyebrows, "Yeah, but be careful. It looked like you needed stitches, but no one new how," she cringes sheepishly.

I push myself up onto my knees with my arms with a lot help from Skylar, since moving my shoulders sends knives into my back. Sitting up made me a bit light headed, but nothing I haven't dealt with.

I become aware of how sticky everything feels and a tightness around my body. I roll up my black night shirt to find bandages starting at my hip and going all the way up to my breasts.

I snort, "Please tell my that it was only you who saw my boobs."

She gives a slight, nervous chuckle, "No one else saw them, I promise."

Trying to make light of the situation, "What do you think?"

"Not bad," she makes a face, "easy to wrap bandages around, that's a bonus."

I chuckle, but stop shorthanded since it hurts. I bring my attention to the sticky mess that is my bed. I turn my head instead of my torso to look around.

It's hard to notice since the sheets were black in the first place, but my comforter is stiff and sticky, probably do to blood.

"Was this all me?" My eyes wide and my heart rate kicking up. I bit my lip and stand up off the bed to get a better loo at the bed, ignoring the stinging from my back. Skylar jumps up.

I immediately regret my decision: the floor was half way of meeting my face right before Skylar catches me, putting me in agony. Her arm catches my upper back, slamming against the cuts.

I cry out as she apologizes, "Kendal, I'm so sorry. Holy shit you're pale... you lost a lot of blood. Sit here and I will be right back."

Skylar sets me in the armchair in the corner of my room. Laying back would be too much pain, so I just lay my head against my arm towards the right side of the chair.

Why am I not breathing much? I guess I lost a lot of blood and got lightheaded.

I just gotta focus.





"She is in here," my door reopens. I turn my head a bit to look at the door on my left.

I guess I don't look so good, because when Leo sees me, his eyes go wide, "Holy shit, I'll go grab her some water and food," he suggests. I could drink up the ocean right now, but I can't eat a morsel.

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