Chapter 23

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I assume that Skylar had it tucked into her paints right in the small of her back where guns usually go. She smoothly pulls out a bottle of Whiskey. I chuckle a little bit, "Thank God it's not Tequila."

She plops onto the floor with a little thump, holding the bottle up higher a little bit so she doesn't accidentally slam it against the floor, "Bad experience?"

I nod, eating up another apple, "Do you just enjoy getting drunk and ruining your liver?"

"First of all, kidney," Skylar corrects me, "and I just chose to be drunk so I don't have to think about this situation a lot."

I roll my eyes, "It really is the liver, the kidneys are used after the liver is drowning in alcohol."

"Same thing," she laughs, unscrewing the lid.

She has a point, though, but I can't help but thing of last time and how awful that went. I should avoid it all together, but in all honesty I don't really know if I will ever get another chance and be a stupid but somewhat free teenager.

"Alright, I'll drink with you," I comply.

She squeals a little with joy, "What game do you want to play?"

I shrug, "How about we don't play a game, we just drink to drink."

Skylar is a little taken back by it, but she doesn't protest, "Oh, okay," she hands me the bottle carefully. I take a small swig, shuddering at the taste of the bitter drink. My mouth waters a little bit to help get down the alcohol while I hand over the bottle to Skylar. She takes a swig bigger than I did and gently sets the bottle down on the floor next to her, "How did we end up here."

I reach for the bottle and drink while I shrug. After I wipe my mouth, "I don't know. It seems crazy but here we are," the sudden hit of depression calls for more alcohol. Skylar puts her hand out for me to give it over to her, but I take one more sip before I do. I feel the shudder come back at the taste, going up and down my spine.

"I get I got you into this, but uh, don't repeat the night in the past," Skylar suggests after taking another sip.

I chuckle, leaning against the chair gently, waiting for the alcohol to kick in so I can no longer feel the constant stinging in my back, "I don't plan on it."

She scoots over to her bed and leans against that, patting the floor next to her. Understanding her signal, I scoot myself over to sit with her, "How was your life before?" She asks me.

I pause for a moment, taking a swig to let me relax before answering, "Not good. Not that it is any better now, but still. It was just me and my mom," I decide to not talk about my dad, "and we were both working very hard to support ourselves. I had a job at the food court in the mall. It paid alright, but now that I'm not there, my mom is probably working hard while worried as shit..."

I take another swig, the shudders decreasing in strength. I can feel the alcohol burn in my stomach and my head start to swim. Skylar takes the bottle from me to drink some herself, "I'm sorry to hear. I never really had any issues. My parents loved to do family stuff, we never struggled."

I laugh, "It seems like everyone now-a-days has issues."

I thought it would earn at least a smile, but instead she just drinks. I stare at the ground, feeling the effects of the alcohol settling in my brain. Skylar sets the bottle down, we already downed half of it.

"God, we are depressing," Skylar laughs at herself, "let's cheer up."

I snort at her, "How?"

She panders for a moment, "We don't have music, but we can just talk about happy shit."

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