chapter 2

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Blue's POV

The stark smell of bleach was overwhelming.  I scrunched my eyes at the bright light that was sipping through my closed eyelids.  I felt powerless and heavy. I could not move my hand, my head or my body.

I slowly started blinking, desperately trying to open my eyes and see what's around me. Where am I? As blinding light slowly subsided I could take a look around my surroundings. I was at the hospital.

The room was pristine clean and gloomy. Typical hospital bed, IV and monitors beeping. The walls were a sickly green color and the linens were grayish. The place looked nothing like a room where a patient should be motivated to get better. If anything the murky room was making me even more nauseous.

I could not remember how I got here but I knew for sure that I wanted out as soon as possible. Preferably right now. I pulled on the IV line and felt sharp pain. Seems that unplucking IV is only eyes in the movies...

I caught sight of some bruises on my arm and I realized that my forehead was bandaged. I soon recall every single memory. Everything just rewind in my head. It took me no time to realize that I currently was in a very expensive hospital. However, I was homeless and had absolutely no money with me.

All of a sudden, an idea crept on my mind. I decided to flee from that hospital; I saw a pair of jeans and a t-shirt on a chair in the room I was. I took it and started wearing it. I know what I'm doing is very bad but even if I work all my life, I wouldn't be able to pay the bill of this hospital. It looked so luxurious.

I soon left the room and wondered where my luggage was; walking through the hallways, I could feel several eyes digging holes in my skin. I looked at their faces, pure curiosity was plastered on their faces. I am sure that i looked like a mess at  that time but i couldn't help it. All my mind and body wanted was to get out of that place. I was secretly scared.

I looked through the enormous window, as it started rainning. Drops of rain, pelted on the window and the sound of it sent a relaxed sensation down my spine. I always loved the rain. I remember as i was small and my parents and I used to dance in the rain.
God, i miss those moments so much!

Without furthur delay, I entered the elavator and went to the ground floor. As i was walking in the extreamly large building, heading towards the main entrance. I saw a nurse sending me a very suspisious look, probably she had been attending me and she recognised me. I hurried to the door. I was relieved once i left the building but i was already drenched with the heavy rain pouring incessantly outside. i was hurrying to find shelter at a nearby shop but i suddenly bumped into a hard cold chest.

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