six | "imagination"

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mandy h.

the next day, i went to work on a love high. you could literally see me glowing with happiness, and it was like i was flying. i was a social worker, and i dealt with pretty depressing stuff like domestic violence, drug abuse and child abandonment but this morning i had a positive attitude despite the wailing of babies and people screaming at me to work miracles and give them their desire outcome instantly. literally, nothing could ruin my mood.

today marked mathan's first month anniversary and he was bringing me for a shawn mendes concert tonight. personally, i wasn't a big fan of shawn but zoe's other best friend, tish, was playing as the opening act tonight so nathan managed to get free backstage and front row tickets. after all, concerts were always good things, whether you liked the artist or not.

i finally got home from work around 6, exhausted from keeping a smile on my face all day. i stepped into my apartment, taking off my grey cardigan and suddenly, arms wrapped around me, and the all too familiar head nuzzled into the crook of my neck.

"happy anniversary love!" nathan mumbled into my ear, his warmth like a hot chocolate on a cold day. i turned slightly to peck him on the cheek, "happy anniversary too, nathan."

we sat down for dinner that nathan had "prepared". we had pad thai, mango sticky rice and wine. and they all looked familiar, like they were from the thai food restaurant that i liked.

what a coincidence.

after the dinner, we went to change and both emerged wearing denim and nobody changed so we were being that one extra and cringey couple that was kind of cute but not really. at the venue, i began to feel a little excited. i was going to meet shawn peter muffin raul mendes after all.

nathan slung his arm around my shoulder as we walked through backstage to tish's dressing room. the door was instantly flung open, and zoe smiled, clutch her hand to her heart

"my otp! how are you all?" i rolled my eyes at her theatrics, brushing past her to congratulate tish. tish was touching up her highlight and doing breathing exercises when we approached her chair.

"you're going to be alright, calm down," nathan reassured her, patting her shoulder. tish smiled up at us, and she exhaled slowly. her walkie talkie grumbled, and through the static, we made out her manager's hurried voice, "up in five!"

suddenly, there was a knock on the door. shawn stuck his head in, smiling. "hey, i heard my opening act was beginning soon and i realised i hadn't met her yet. i'm sorry for just appearing like this, is it alright with you, laetitia?"

tish's eyes widened, and she hastily nodded. "sure, it's no issue. you can call me tish, it's nice to meet you, shawn." she stuck out her hand for a handshake, and when their hands connected, i swear to god, i could feel the cupid angels singing quietly behind me.

shawn suddenly seemed lost for words, "h-hi. what are you playing later on, tish?" he visibly swallowed, cheeks blushing a light pink.

zoe aww-ed quietly in the background, signalling for the three of us to leave so that tish and shawn could have some alone conversation. we shut the door with a gentle click, and nathan sighed out the cutest 'awwww' i'd ever heard. zoe looked like she was beside herself with happiness, and i rolled my eyes at her internal matchmaking that was probably in action already.

we headed to the front row, waiting for tish to appear. we were positioned near the exclusive vip area, and we could see everything backstage. and right now, i was pretty sure that was shawn in his damned black long sleeve button up, giving tish a hug before she went on. i could hear nathan and zoe squealing like pigs in the background.

she stepped onto the stage, viola in hand. she clutched the mike, smiling. "hello singapore, i'm tish and tonight i'll be playing you mercy, by shawn mendes."

the crowd exploded, screams and clapping everywhere. she took a bow, and began to play.

and she sure as hell didn't disappoint.

when she was done, the crowd burst into thunderous applause, and even i had tears in my eyes. music truly brings the emotions to life. she quickly ran off the stage, and straight into our section. we shrieked excitedly and bear hugged her, calming her nerves as she was still shaking from post-act adrenaline.

shawn came out, smiling.

"good evening singapore! who's ready to have fun tonight!" he yelled. the crowd began to get hyped up, screaming, yelling and waving handmade banners. zoe and tish began their screaming whilst i sat on nathan's lap with his arms around my waist. his face was nuzzled in the crook of my neck for warmth, and his voice sent vibrations down my spine every time he spoke.

"how are you enjoying your anniversary, babe?" nathan asked, snuggling further into me. i giggled, feeling the vibration of his rich baritone on my spine.

"i like it so far, but there's something that would make it better," i grinned mischievously. nathan's eyes lit up, a look of understanding in his eyes.

"pray tell, what will make this better?" he smirked. i whacked his head lightly, before cradling it and allowing our lips to meld together gently. it was soft and sweet, but so incredibly addictive, like melted chocolate and ripe strawberries.

you simply couldn't get enough.

my hands tangled up in his hair as he pulled me closer, and i could smell his familiar musky cologne on his sweater. his hands gripped my waist, and his thumbs were rubbing gentle circles on it.

we finally broke apart for air, lips slightly swollen and his hair tousled. we half-smiled at each other, the love we were feeling in our hearts was overflowing and it was beating wild behind my ribs, bursting and ready to unleash its magic on the rest of the world. i wanted to scream and let the world i was in love with nathan. love possessed the kind of magic that could make you do crazy things you wouldn't do on a normal basis.

but what is magic, if not a little insane?

tish broke our love-hazed spell with a gentle tap on the shoulder. "guys, your song is playing!"

shawn had his guitar out, and was strumming "imagination". imagination was the song that nathan and i could relate to the most from his album, handwritten.

// oh, there she goes again
every morning it's the same
you walk on by my house
i wanna call out your name
i wanna tell you how beautiful you are from where i'm standing //

nathan and i had the kind of love story that shawn could put in words, and this was our song. it represented everything we both felt before, and it was beautiful.

// in my dreams
you're with me
we'll be everything I want us to be
and from there, who knows?
maybe this will be the night
that we kiss
for the first time
or is that just me
and my imagination? //

tears flowed down my cheeks freely as i sang along. nathan hugged me closer as his thumb traced the trail of tears down my cheek, wiping away every trace of my previous sadness.

"i love you mandy, you know that right?" he whispered, kissing the top of my ear.

"i love you too nathan."


significantly shorter chapter but so many flipping flip flappity feels.
today's chapter will trigger a new sequel!
i'm working on it, it will be a appreciatish and shawn mendes fanfiction!!
once it's up you will get an update.
mathan will not be forgotten, don't worry.

just in case you don't know yet, imagination from handwritten by shawn mendes will be mathan's song. that's why i had them go to a shawn concert and listen to imagination live and have tish perform as the opening act so i could intro her and shawnie boy. killing two birds with one potato!!

ok cool love y'all

zoe x

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