Chapter 12

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Hey guys this is abit of a filler chapter but I wanted to get Jacks party over with to be honest and didn't want to just skip it like a week without closing it off. Still made abit of character and friendship progression. Will probably leave it now for a few days as I'm going out this weekend for the first time since I got married so need to get myself prepared. Plus it says I've had over 100 reads yay 😊 *celebrate* 🍾👯‍♂️ again please don't forget to vote if you are reading this. Thanks lovelys 😘

Video is actually Ashley benson aka Sapphy dancing 💃🏼


Rosie's P.O.V

I could already feel my head pounding and I hadn't even opened my eyes yet. I inched open my eyes ever so slowly and could feel the throbbing pulse in my temple. I turned my head slightly, taking in my surroundings.

Okay I was definitely in a living room.

It took me a few seconds to realise I was in Jacks living room.

I tried to move my legs, only to feel a dead weight upon them. It was Masons legs on my body, his head was resting on Sapphys knees. I looked over to the other sofa and seen Billy and Adam leaning either side, fast asleep. I take it we all passed out after we played I have never in the early hours of this morning.

What a laugh that was, my cheeks were still hurting from all the laughing.

Nothing like a game of I have never to get to know people better.

I remembered being cuddled up to Jack when I passed out drunk, but he wasn't here now. Neither was Scott actually, not that I gave 2 hoots. Where the hell were they? I honestly didn't really have the energy to care right now, I just needed water asap.

I had a mouth like a fur boot.

I managed to push Masons ten ton legs off of me and onto the floor and walked painfully to the kitchen. I rummaged through the fridge to find a whole stack of water bottles. Thank you Jack, thank you.

I took 1 out and swigged the whole thing back in about 10 seconds, then grabbed 2 more. I needed rehydration.

I caught a glimpse of myself in the reflection of the microwave door and nearly dropped dead.

Damn I looked rough.

I definitely had wine flu.

I walked out the kitchen and leant on the door frame sipping from my second water bottle. My friends had begun to stir awake as I'd moved Mason from his comfy spot.

"Water" I heard Mason gasp out in a small voice, and I tossed him the water bottle. I accidentally missed though and it smacked Sapphy right in the face.

Sapphy let out a painful cry and quickly sat up, tossing Mason off her knee and flat on his face "What the hell just hit me in the face"

I burst out laughing and fell into a heap on the floor. My legs literally went from underneath me.

I may have still been drunk.

At this point Mason had joined me in the hysterical laughter even though he'd just face planted a carpet.

"Ha ha very funny. Let's all laugh at my pain" Sapphy said while stretching out her whole body on the newly free space of sofa.

Our laughter must of woke up Adam and Billy, as I felt Billy lean down and pat my head like a dog as he walked past me into the kitchen.

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