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Lainie spoke through the phone.
The sun was spilling into my room through the windows and I was packing my dance clothes and also getting ready for this last day of school.
"Ready for today?" She cooed excitedly as I pulled on a special cute outfit for the special occasion. A fitted tank top that had a tie-dye heart in the middle. The sleeves stopped at the start of my shoulders. I tucked that shirt into a skater skirt and put on sneaker heels. I never really dress like that but for today I'm up for it.

"I'm excited but kinda nervous." I chuckled as I put a bunch of mousse and gel in my hair to keep my curly hair from frizzing when I left it down.

"I bet our dance is gonna have everyone knocked out because of how good we are." She laughed
"Hell yeah!" I laughed along. We were doing a dance routine for the last day of school celebration. I met Lainie through the dance team in school. And ever since we've become best friends and most of our days start with one of us calling the other while we get ready.
"I bet Dinger's gonna drool over you M." M was just one of the many nicknames she made up for me. She literally would call me anything she can make up out of the depths of her mind that made at least a lick of sense.

"Shut up!" I retorted quickly as my face started to heat up. "He doesn't even know I'm alive."
"That's  because you make me not tell him about you! I'm so excited that you're finally gonna stop hiding from him. Bobby has been wanting to meet you for the longest but because you're obsessed with Dinger...which somehow leads you to practically jumping in a trash can if he was walking over and there were no places to hide, he can't even meet you!"
"Yeah, I get it okay?" I said, packing my dance bag. "This is really stressful..." Dinger is the love of my life. I saw him and Bobby together one time as Lainie was leaving practice and,

Fell right into love. He was cute and he was bright and vibrant and I could get all poetic about him in a second. I wrote notes and poems about him and my feelings for him in this sketchbook I had. It was almost filled up now though. I brought it to school everyday, just in case something sprung an idea up into my head and I would write it down or draw it or something.

"Sorry, but I'm just really happy you're finally meeting my friends! Anyway, you're gonna knock 'em dead with your looks and your moves in the dance!"
"Sureee." I said rolling my eyes and realizing my face was still warm. "I'm ready. Are you?" I asked over the phone.
"Yeah you can come over! And we'll walk together."
"Yes Lainie. I'm aware. We do that every single day."
"Whatever!" She said with a laugh. "See ya."

I grabbed a Twinkie from the cabinet and said goodbye to my mom and dad.
"You shouldn't be eating that for breakfast."
"Oh well." I laughed as they gave me kisses on my forehead.
I stepped out of the house and smelled the warm, breezy summer air. Today was beautiful. It wasn't too hot , but it wasn't too cold either. The breeze was like an outdoor air conditioner.  The trees looked a brighter green and the sky  reflected a gentle blue. The cumulus clouds looked like white cotton candy and the sun was blinding. Today was going to be a good day, I think.

I walked to Lainie's house and rang the doorbell.

Diiiiiiiinnnnngggg Dooooonnng

After a few seconds, out came Lainie in a cute outfit as always. We greeted each other as we bopped down the steps of her porch and started walking to school. School wasn't too far. "It's so nice outside, what the heck?!" Lainie smiled as her eyes scanned the scenery. "Yeah I know! I could just feel that this day is going to be great. Summer is gonna be great, especially that I'm gonna finally hang out with you guys."
"Yessss!!" She said shaking my arm out of excitement. I could see how much me meeting her friends meant to her.
We got to the school and people we're all walking in. As I opened my locker and realized that I already cleaned it out, I closed it again, laughing. "Did you forget we cleaned all of our lockers out this week?" "Yeah." I leaned on the locker instead, facing her. We were near a classroom door, the door was open. The kids were louder and crazier today because it's the last day.
"Um...Don't freak out, but Dinger is gonna pass us and most likely will say 'hi' to me."
My heart jumped to my throat and it started beating a mile a minute. My face started to get hot again. It was the same thing that happened everyday at school, the only difference was that I couldn't hide this time.
"Hey Dinger!" Lainie said loudly and waved. I hit her in the arm. She said he would say hi! Not her! GahhhHhh
"Hey! What's up? Who's this chick?" He said with a smirk on his face as he looked me up and down.

Funny thing about Dinger is that he has a reputation of being a player but really from Lainie, I hear a totally different story. Plus he tried to make a rumor that he got into this huge cool accident or fight or something and that's what got his leg broken, when really his mom just ran over it with her Volvo.

I opened my mouth and it felt like I couldn't speak for almost an eternity.. but I managed to talk fine. "I'm Monday." I said with a smile. "Monday...Sick name."
I was expecting him to ask 'Is that your real name?' Or something like that because everyone usually asks those questions when they first meet me. But not Dinger. This...this is why I love him. Maybe he didn't ask because he has a weird name too... but who cares he's different either way!

"Well I'm gonna go find Bobby! See you guys later, 'kay?" Dinger smiled and limped off into the distance with his cane.
I nearly fainted after he left.

"Oh god.." Lainie giggled rolling her eyes and walking to our first class.


Let me know if you like this. This is part of the preview thing so I need feedback and then I will definitely write more !! Also after this chapter I won't publish anymore of this story until I have more than 1 chapter ready for publishing! So sit tight :,)

You and I || D.HNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ