Chapter 1

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The sun shone through the trees above. It was mid spring and all colors are present in nature. Paige woke up to the smell of breakfast being made. She hurriedly got ready for the day and ran down stairs. "Good morning, is there anything I can help you with Harry?" She asks when she sees him cooking. "Just set the table" he replies in his normal monotoned voice. She set four plates and went to wake Robin and Manny. Up the stairs once more, she knocked on the doors of the both of them. "Manny, Robin, Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes, come on!" She yells with her energetic voice. Soon a short blue headed male and a slightly taller green head male emerged from their rooms. Soon they were all down stairs eating, when a knock was heard at the door. Before anyone could answer, a tall dark blue skinned male in a black suit type clothing, busted in. He had a noticeable red clock-like hands were on his face and he had yellow tips and peach fuzz on his face. He had these maroon eyes. "Hello, my name is Tony and I will be staying here now. Now if you excuse me I will make myself at home." He said before walking upstairs. The four sitting there looked at each other before looking at the door. Paige excused herself and grab a pencil before going up stairs to find out more about this man. Unknowingly the three followed behind her. 'Tony' went into one of the empty rooms in the house. He seem to have found it without a problem. Paige held the pencil close to her chest when walking up to the room. She peaks her head into the room to see his fully furnished room. She looks back to the three. "we have no idea who he is and his room is fully furnished within minutes!" She whisper yells at the them. She turns around only to come face to the stranger. "Hello dear" he says before she gets all flustered and points the pencil at him. "Now now, there is no time for mucking dear Paige" he speaks again. Now her eyes widen and she firmly stays how she is positioned." How do you know my name when I have not talked to you" she says frustrated. "Yes, but I know all time. So it was quite easy to find your names. So greetings to you Manny, Robin, and Harry." He says to prove his point. "So it would be best if you would all stop mucking around and finish your breakfast" he encourages while pushing them to the direction of the stairs. Blank stares on the fours faces as the went down stairs. "Who is that guy?" Harry asks. He only receives shrugs. "How about we do something creative and fun after we eat" Paige says trying to change to subject. They nod.

Soon after breakfast, Paige ran upstairs to grab her art supplies. A crash was heard. Paige had bumped into Tony. Neither payed attention to where they were going. So art supplies went everywhere. Paint got all over everywhere, along with the glitter. "Watch where your going!" She snaps at him. She's used to it being her and the three downstairs. Messes were rare until now. "Maybe if you weren't running" Tony retorted. "This wasn't a problem until you showed up" She yells at him. "I'm only here for business, and have a right to be here just as much as you!" He yells back. Paige pouts. " You have no reason to be here! You just showed up!!" She has gotten pissed at the clock man. Paige got up and left. "Im going outside!" She says with anger in her voice.

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