chapter 1

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We were celebrating Piper's birthday around a campfire when Chiron called for attention and raised a toast to her.

"We are all very grateful that Piper has been with us. Without her and the rest of the Seven, Gaea would have taken over. To Piper!"

We all cheered. The Seven cheered the loudest. Piper was blushing and Jason looked like he could kiss her at that moment.

"But, with good news there must be bad," Chiron continued. We groaned.

"What is it this time, Chiron?"

"Gods, you're such a buzzkill."

"I was actually looking forward to this!"

"I know. This is a good occasion, but I have withheld this information for a quite a

while and now is the time. It is almost too late, actually. I sincerely apologize, Piper." Chiron said apologetically. Piper nodded gravely, motioning for him to go on.

"Ash Sherwood, please up come here." Me? I looked around nervously. I know I'm a slight trouble-maker but I've never done anything so bad that I had to be called up....

"Ash Sherwood? Please come up here." He repeated.

I nervously walked up to the middle of the circle. Chiron put a comforting hand on my shoulder and gave me a kind smile.

"Ash is going on a quest. A quest to bring us a demigod from Lincoln High. She is a special demigod that we don't know much about and it is crucial we bring her here for her powers will benefit us greatly.

"Go to the Big House and I will meet you there." Chiron added in an undertone. "The rest of you, enjoy!"

* * *

I nervously went into the Big House and waited. What is going on?

"Ash, this is going to be a difficult quest because of the limited information we have on the demigod. We really don't know much about her, and it won't be easy to find her. We don't even know her name but we know she goes to school at Lincoln High, Reading, in Pennsylvania. This is going to be a hard quest Ash, but I know you can make it. Now, since it is almost too late, as I said, you must tell her as soon as you find her. She needs to get here fast. You should go pack and rest. Argus will take you there first thing tomorrow." Chiron informed.

* * * 

I hadn't known I would be in this situation. This is all happening too fast. I was traveling to Lincoln High, Pennsylvania for my first-ever job as protecting someone tomorrow. I really hope I don't mess this up, I thought as I dozed off to a fitful sleep. 

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