What you do to annoy him

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So....... this isn't gonna be in order, so get over it.

(Y/N) = Your Name

Dick Grayson (Robin)

When you pop your lips randomly, he just gives you a look, but if you really want to annoy him, just eat his cereal.


"Yes babe?" You continue to eat his cereal slowly in front of him. He gives a long groan of annoyance. "Why?"

You shrug your shoulders. "Cus I'm bored and you won't pay attention to me." A long sigh as he goes back to work.

Wally West (Kid Flash)

"(Y/N)." You hum in acknowledgement. "Can I have my goggles back?"

"Nope! I look so much better in them." You say as you wear his goggles before he goes on patrol. "But babe! I can't have the bad guys knowing who I am!" You pout at his remark. "But they cover your eyes." A groan of annoyance as you snicker at your fake obliviousness.

Conner Kent (Superboy)

When you press random buttons anywhere you go. "(Y/N), don't make me tape your arms to your sides."

"But, I'm curious. What does that one do?!" You exclaim, completely side tracked. You were currently at the store. He face palms and drags you to the check out.

Kaldur (Aqualad)

Most of the time he doesn't show it or he just doesn't get annoyed easily, but when he does, it's when you pop your knuckles or any other kind of bone.

"(Y/N), stop. It is a rather irritating and gross sound." Pop. Pop. Pop. "I can't help it, Kal, I need to or I'll feel stiff all over." He gives you a look like he doesn't believe you.

Roy Harper (Red Arrow)

He gets annoyed easily but to really annoy him, you talk right when he shoots his arrows and misses the target completely. "Stop that!" You give a cheeky smile and stay quiet only to do it again. Then you get chased around the room.


Heheh, so not my best, and some of them are a little random, but yeah. Thanks for reading!

*sings* And now it's time to say goodbye!
Stay whelmed! ♡

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