Nightly Routines

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Wizzro got in place as 10:45pm rolled around. First was Cia. She walked into her bedroom and changed into a purple and black nightgown with a bow on her hip. This was disturbing a little as she placed her clothes in the hamper and added a nightly mask. He cringed as he groaned. She played music to ease her mind of dealing with a wizard and a dragon who needs obedience. Ugh, chic music as he kept his comments to himself. There was a picture of Link on her mirror and a picture of Volga as they looked almost the same except the hair and markings. Cia had a crush on Link and Volga. He was going to use this against her.

He quickly left before she noticed and to the bathroom closest to Volga's bedroom. The Dragon usually went to bed at about one am if he had a rough day. Seems like he did as Poets of the Fall was heard from down the hall. Volga listened to that when he's stressed but he always have it on shuffle. Wizzro hid in the bathroom as the Dragon was undressing for his shower. His armor was in pieces as he could fix it in the afternoon. His spandex was sticky with sweat as it laid in the hamper then started the shower and changed the song.

His whole chest was a bit injured but have his muscular form. He started the shower and let it steam the whole room, seeing him feel at ease. Wizzro noticed at dinner he was highly tensed but now his muscles relaxed. He smirked as he saw the dragon get in the shower as he washed off then he started saying, "Lana, oh Lana..."

'Oh my Hylia, he loves Lana.' Wizzro thought as he closed his eye for him not to see his lower body. 'Ugh, humans disgust me. Volga disgusts me the most. His table manners are worse than a Lizalfos. What am I thinking, he was raised by them! His reproductive system doesn't make sense, same with Cia's.' He cancelled out sounds from the Dragon as he kept to his thoughts. 'He leaves rupees out all the time and barely clean his messes.' After fifteen minutes to his thoughts, Volga sighed in relief which made Wizzro come back to reality.

"Fucking hell..." he breathed as he leaned against the shower wall. Wizzro had to restrain himself from snorting while Volga got out and grabbed a towel. "Thank lord, its only eleven thirty. I got another twenty minutes before I head to my bedroom." he muttered and put some Panic! At the Disco on. Wizzro stayed while he brushed his hair, brushed his teeth, washed his face for any markings left over from his facial 'war' paint with the exception of his permanent black markings under his eyes and over his cheeks, then shaved.

The wizard saw Volga walk out of the bathroom and down to his bedroom while he followed suite. The Dragon threw the towel onto a chair with a black seating and red padding while he got a red silk button up long sleeve pajama shirt that matched his bottoms. Wizzro was wise to hide in the closet while Volga locked his door. Wait, what?! The wizard couldn't believe his sight. He wasn't allowed to teleport around the manor due to the different sexes occupying and doesn't want to walk in on anybody. He was trapped for the night. In Volga's bedroom. A killer dragon.

The Dragon got under the soft blankets as he opened his nightstand, taking out a magazine on Hylian females and opening it, smiling softly as his fangs shown. Wizzro looked disgusted as he had to endure that for the next hour or so. 'I rather have him think of Lana or him sneaking out,' he thought to himself. Then he heard a small sound of rock meeting glass which caught the dragon's attention. He got out of bed and opened it.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He climbed out and fell to the ground. Wizzro moved to the window and saw his enemy: Lana.

"Well, I snuck away to see you," Lana answered as Volga chortled. "Just you and nobody else."

"I bet so," he said as he leaned down and kissed her cheek.

"Hm? Thinking about something?" she giggled as he blushed.

"Not a thing. But, tonight isn't a good night for you to come by. Tell Link I said hi and I'll fake being defeated again." Volga said.

"You're so bad." She punched his shoulder. "Throwing the war?"

"I never wanted to be involved in the first place." he retorted.

"But, I'm glad you are. If you weren't, what if we never saw each other again?" she whispered to him as he held her close. "I would lose my best friend..."

'More like boyfriend,' Wizzro thought as Volga kissed her goodnight. 'And I was correct. If he leaves the window open, I can sneak out when he's asleep.'

"Goodnight," he said. "Act like you hate me to pieces in front of everyone. Do it."

She nodded and ran off while he came back to the window and climbed in. The conversation made him exhausted as he put his magazine away and got into bed. A breeze was coming in as he would leave the window open for the night. The Dragon yawned and turned his light off, going to sleep. Soft snores emerged from him after five minutes as Wizzro started to sneak out.

"Oh Lana, come here my sweet..." Volga mumbled as he hugged his pillow. "Mhm, soft like usual."

Wizzro gagged as he floated out of the window and to the garden. This was golden. Volga has been in love with the enemy. A dragon can't control himself around a female. He rolled his eye as he went to do something to take that off his mind. Poker with the Lizalfos Chieftains. One hell of a night here he comes.

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