Panic Attack

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I stick out like a sore thumb
In my own bed
My blanket feels like a thousand strange hands
My heart beats against them
Praying to break free
From a mind that won't let it go
In a blanket of a thousand hands

The light of my screens burns me into place
And I forget to breath
My hands shaking with a tiny glass screen
Trying to explain a note
Reading save me

In My own bed
I lie down and go crazy
As that stupid blanket takes advantage of me
Feeling like cardboard on my skin
And bending the only escape away form me
The way my fingers tap themselves free

Everything happens when I can't talk
And nothing happens when I can
I mustn't move since it is pass bed time
I forgot that at this hour
My brain goes on deadlock
In a bed that I can't sleep in

So I squirm in my sheets
Heart beating so fast
That I don't realize it is pumping
For a body that doesn't breath
A body that forgets everything it needs to
I sit in the dark
And let it shake me until the sun comes up
I can finally pretend that my bed
Is where I put my head at night 
Without feeling like it wants me dead

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