The First Pain

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I guess I should introduce myself first my name is Allie and throughout my life I thought of a lot of things and things aren't always easy and in the beginning I didn't think that things would be so hard as they are. But unfortunately life isn't as easy as it seems. I guess it all started at the age of six my parents would fight and I'd have to go in my room thinking that things would be alright but they weren't I listen to my parents fight and think that it's my fault. It really wasn't it was more on the lines of your parents will tell you it wasn't you it's them kind of deal but still the pain was there and you can feel it. Thinking back now all I wanted was for my parents and me to be happy to have the classic household that every kid wants and their life their mom and dad happy and you getting almost anything you wanted until you know things don't work out. When I was little I lived with my dad for most of my life until I decided or rather my mom decided that I can move in with her that was a big argument in itself and it was very hard to watch. My dad had two girlfriends and unfortunately one passed away and then he got a really nasty girl. You wouldn't really think that a girl would be all that bad but trust me when she hits your dad over the head with a glass beer bottle she's bad. All I wanted and still to this day one just for that memory to go away that memory of watching my mom being taken from me. I'll never get that everything's okay feel anymore that was taken from me long ago. I know it's hard for some people and every family is different but I know that whoever experiences that kind of pain is scarred and broken for the rest of their lives. I am one hand and definitely broken unfortunately I am not scarred because my wounds unfortunately have not healed.

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