Chapter 1- reveal

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So before this story starts. This book won't be in the drag queens POV- it will be In the boy's POV (for example Danny/Roy) and because Katya and Trixie are both called Brian. Iv decided to call Katya Bri and Trixie Brian so y'all don't get confused!

Bri's POV-

"Do you know why we're here?" I whispered to Justin who had taken a seat next to me. I was currently sat in a room full of 6 other guys. Everyone was out of drag if your wondering why I said 'guys' we had been called here by Ru as he had some 'big news' for us, in which none of us knew what he wanted.

"I have no idea" Justin dragged out, turning his attention back to Jay who was sat next to him. As I began to fiddle with my fingers I heard the door open. My head snapped up to see Brian standing there, a flustered expression on his face.

"I know I'm late but traffic was really bad and- " he was cut of when he saw me, a bright smile now on his face. "Oh hey Bri" he beemed. Everyone's attention had snapped to us as they all 'awed' at us.

Me and Brian were not in a relationship. But that doesn't mean to say I wasn't in love with him. Yet he didn't have to know that, because I know him too well to know he didn't love me back. However, everybody thought we would be good together. I would always just shrug it off, but in my mind, I wanted it more than anyone.

Brian had made his way over to sit next to me, which was soon followed by Ru walking in. Hopefully we could finally find out what the heck was going on.

"Good evening everyone. So your probably all wondering as to why I have called you all here today. Now I thought it would be a good idea to have a reunion, but not the normal kind. A summer camp. I picked you all because I thought you would all get along very well. You will be going for two weeks, I hope that okay with everyone?" There was a mixture of sighs and squeals.

I personally like the idea. I like to camp, and it would be great to camp with all of these guys, their all great people and it should be good fun.

"Wait- camping? In a tent? With mud? And insects?" Justin asked, a worried expression on his face. Which earned a laugh from Ru. "No, you guys will be in cabins. I'm not that bad. But yes there most probably will be mud involved in most if the activities, but I'm sure you will be okay Justin" I was even more excited now, this was going to be great.

"So is everyone okay with that?" Ru asked, earning nods of approval and a couple of yes's

Everyone was quick to jump up and begin to leave. We found out that we were going to be leaving in 2 days, which was perfectly okay with me. This was something to look forward to, and it would make a change from just sitting in and watching the tv whilst off tour.

I grabbed my jacket before saying goodbye to Ru and walking out of the room. "So I'm thinking we go grab some lunch and then go watch some films at my place" Brian was leaned against the wall, his head tilted slightly as he smiled lightly.

I rolled my eyes, pushing him slightly and beginning to walk out of the door. "Come on" I yelled, walking towards Brian's car. Of corse he was driving. I walked here, that's enough for me.

We quickly got inside, driving to chipotle. Grabbing some burritos and heading to Brian's. This was the usual for us. As best friends, when we weren't on tour, we would lounge around most of the time at each others houses.

"What film should we watch?" Brian asked, slipping off his shoes as we stepped into his house. "Contact?" I asked, following his actions. "Oh hell no" I quickly laughed before grabbing my burrito from the bag and jumping onto his couch.

"Move up honey" i stopped unwrapping my food and moved up, letting Brian sit down next to me. "Dream Girls?" I suggested. He quickly agreed before putting on the film.

Half way through the film, Brian had moved closer to me, resting his head on my shoulder. I relaxed before putting my arm around him. This was also part of the usual routine. But I couldn't help but feel my heart flip when this was to happen.

"Are you excited for the trip?" I asked, not focusing on the film anymore. "I guess it will be fun. I mean, I'm glad your going, and I think it would be a good time to get to know some of the other queens better" he's right. I of corse know all the queens who are going, but I think it would be good to get closer to them.

"I get you" I smiled down at him, as he looked up and grinned at me.

I was in love with him, but sadly he didn't feel the same about me.

Okay so the first chapter is very short, this story won't only be focusing on trixya but yeahhhhh the storys just starting. Do y'all like it? And should I continue? Have a safe and happy day! - Amelia

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