Chapter 4- the plan

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Shane's POV-

I had woken up to the sound of somebody rummaging around in their bag, a few groans of frustration added here and there. My head lifted up slightly and I turned it to the left of me, seeing Jay and Justin still asleep. I then slowly turned my head to the right, seeing Ben standing there, rubbing his forehead and looking stressed out.

"What are you looking for?" I whispered, making him jump back a little, clearly catching him off guard. "I can't seem to find any pain killers, my head has been hurting all night" he sighed, rubbing his head slowly and taking a seat at the end of his bed.

I slowly lifted up, reaching to open up my draw next to my bed and grabbing some pain killers, before throwing them at Ben. He looked at me with no expression oh his face, before giving me a short smile and muttering a "thank you"

"What time is it?" I asked, stretching my arms above my head and yawning. "It's 7am" he replied, rubbing his eyes sleepily, which I had to admit, made him look very adorable.

"What time are we suppose to go down for breakfast?" I didn't know what we had planned today, but I was very tired and I didn't want to be doing anything too 'out there'

"I think we have to be ready for 8? So should we wake these two up and the get ready?" I nodded in approval before slowly getting up out of bed and walking up to Jay.

"Wake up" I whispered whilst lightly shaking him. His eyes fluttered open and he looked at me confused. "Breakfast is in an hour" I spoke, making my way over to the wardrobe.

Ru had asked us if we wanted to do drag whilst doing the activities and everybody had went with no, because it was too much of a mess on. However, we did bring drag outfits and essentials as we were going to be doing more- drag related activities some nights. But it wouldn't be that often.

It made life easier not doing our activities in drag as is meant we could shot on some sweatpants or short and we would be ready for the day.

After I had got ready I checked the time, noticing we had another 30 minutes until everyone had to meet for breakfast. So I decided that I would just go out for a walk, I'm not sure where I would go, but there was alot of woodlands.

"Where are you going?" I turned around and saw Ben standing there, he had on some shorts and a plain T-shirt, he had a cap on his head and his hair was laying on his forehead, he looked good?

"Well, breakfast isn't until 30 minutes and I'm ready so I'm just going on a walk, feel free to come" Ben stopped for a second, as though he was thinking. Before giving me the "okay" and following me out the door.

Now if your wondering why I didn't ask Justin and Jay, they were still getting ready. I use to speak to Ben a lot whilst on the show, and when we went on tour afterwards, but then we sort of stopped speaking? I'm not quite sure why but it just happened. But hopefully this trip can bring us closer again.

"So how have you been?" I thought it would be a good idea to start of a conversation so that none of us were awkward, I knew how Ben could be.

"Iv been good thank you, and yourself?" I smiled as we wondered down a cut between cabin two and three. We both heard a loud laugh which sounded like Roy's. I could see the window was slightly open and the curtains were only half closed.

I could see Roy sat on his bed and Danny was standing up, prancing around in a blonde wig. "I havnt seen this in so long" Roy said in between laughs.

"Anna Nicole smith" Ben spoke whilst laughing along with Roy. I knew how much Roy loved that impersonation so I understudy why he was laughing so much. But I also knew he was laughing in an 'over the top' way due to the fact he like Danny, and not in a friendly way.

I could always tell he liked him. Danny gave Roy a lot of attention, and Roy gave Danny just as much, they were joint to the hip on the tour, and as many looked at them in a 'mother, daughter' way, I found that funny because in my eyes, their love was very different to that.

The best part is, I love both of them, a lot. So if anything was to happen between them, I would be pleased. A lot of people actually thought me and Roy had a thing, but honestly, I couldn't see Roy as anything more than a best friend.

And I knew he liked Danny, due to the fact that when Latrice asked Adore the big question about having a crush on Bianca out of drag, Adore denied it and Bianca practically made everybody doubt them. Yet Roy had told me he felt bad, and he only reacted that way because he didn't want to be too soft and make the public notice that he did like Danny in that way.

However, Danny was also upset about what Roy said, but he tried to hide that feeling. Of corse I saw it, but Roy didn't, being an idiot as usual. But they soon got over it.

I'm pretty sure Danny likes Roy. But that's none of my business.

"Shane" I was snapped out of my thoughts by Ben tapping my shoulder. "I'm so sorry, I was lost in thoughts" Ben just laughed and smiled at me before continuing to walk.

"Roy?" Ben spoke up, making me look at him and lift an eyebrow up. "What about Roy?" I asked slightly confused.

"Were you thinking about Roy?" For a second I thought I saw a look of jealously on his face. But I quickly answered back "yes, but also Danny. I'm pretty sure they like each other, have you seen them? And I just wish I could do something, you know?" Ben let out a quick sigh, which also left me a little confused. But he soon smiled at me.

"Then why don't we do something?" He asked, making me look at him, a big grin on my face. "Like what?" A smirk soon covered Bens face as he stopped walking.

"Why don't you go after Roy, and I'll go after Danny. We should flirt with them, try make the other jealous, and then hopefully, Danny will admit to me he likes Roy, and Roy will admit to you that he likes Danny. Then when they tell us, we can ask them to meet up with us. But we won't show up! Then bam! Their then left alone. Next thing you know, they admit their feelings to each other" he was so enthusiastic, it was pretty adorable.

"That's actually not a bad idea. I think we have ourselves a plan. Now when do we start it?" I asked whilst trying to think. "Let's go for breakfast, and we shall start then" I liked this idea.

A lot.

Hello, so this chapter is confusing. However, Ben and Shane are pretty cute, and also pretty sneaky. Will their plan work? Hunny you'll find out soon- Amelia

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