Chaoter 17- dripping wet

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Bri's POV-

Breakfast was actually pretty good this morning, there was no awkward tension in the room between anyone. Everything seemed to be running smoothly.

We had all just finished eating, when I turned to Brian sighing "today's pretty warm, and I really don't want to do activities" I trailed off, letting my chin in the palm of my hand. "But we didn't really do anything yesterday, so I wonder what we're doing today"

Brian wrapped his arm around me, smiling lightly. "I'm not sure, but I think we're about to find out"

On cue Ru walked though the doors, holding up a clipboard. "Hello my children. So your probably wondering what we are doing today?" We all hummed in response as Ru carried on.

"As today's weather is externally hot, we decided that we would do some different kind of activities to what we usually do" there was many looks of confusion on people's faces as I peered around the room.

"Today were all going to be getting wet. We decided it would be fun to set up a slipin water slide" I raised an eyebrow as Ru carried on. "We also thought it would be a good idea to have a water fight. Get ready to get down and dirty with your fellow queens"

I clapped my hands together, excited by today's activities. I love anything to do with water on a hot day, that shit cools me right down. And it won't be too bad seeing Brian in nothing but some shorts.

"Okay, so go get changed into something more appropriate and meet me down by the main cabin" and with that, Ru was gone.

Everyone soon got up, walking off to their cabins. Brian and I made our way into our cabin, as I walked over to my draws, I pulled out some blue swim shorts. Brian had went into the bathroom, so I quickly got changed in the bedroom.

I heard the bathroom door open and I turned to see Brian standing with only some grey swim shorts on. "Well would you look at that" I said slowly, making my way over to him. My hands gripping his waste as we lean against the wall.

"You look good enough to eat" I whispered in his ear, causing him to shiver. "Oh you can" he replied moving his lips closer to mine, but barely letting them touch. "Later" and with that, his hand was on my chest pushing me away, as he grabbed a towel and placed his sunglasses on his face.

I pouted before following his actions, as we walked out of the cabin, making our way to where Ru had asked us to meet him.

Once we arrived, most queens were already there, minus Danny and Roy. We all took a seat on the benches, awaiting their arrival. Soon after, they both walked round the corner.  Smiles slapped onto their faces. Their hairs were messed up and Danny looked slightly dazed.

"About time" Justin spoke up as they quickly sat down. Danny's cheeks reddened a little as Roy slowly rubbed his thigh, smiling at him lightly. I'm glad they talked it out, their better together.

"Okay so first of all we will be taking part on the slip n' slide so if you would like to follow me" Ru began walking and we soon reached a long ass slip n' slide. I was really excited for this, it was way too warm to be lounging around.

"Rules are simple. Dont hurt yourself, slip and slide safely. And take turns" I instantly ran over to the start of the slide, moving back and running straight forward. I was quick to fall on my stomach and slide along the strange fabric. The breeze in my face, it felt amazing.

I soon reached the end, jumping up as the other queens cheered me on. As I walked towards the group, I saw Shane taking his turn. He seemed to be having a lot of fun. Up next was Brian, and I couldn't help but stare at him, looking at him up and down as he ran. He was soon down and I was quick to cheer him on.

"That was amazing" he yelled jumping up, running over to me. I smiled at him before giving him a hug, earning many 'aw's to come from the people surrounding us.

"My turn!" Danny yelled, making his way over to the slide. He looked so determined, and soon began running. However, instead of falling elegantly and swiftly, he fell straight on his face.

He stud up, an angry expression on his face as he crossed his arms and walked over to us all. "Bullshit" he muttered, as Roy walked up to him. "Aw chola, you did great" Danny smiled a little, looking up at Roy with love filled eyes. "Really?" Roy laughed before pulling him into a hug. "Yes" I smiled brightly at the pair, I seriously couldn't get enough of them.

"I look awful" Danny said looking down. I, along side Roy frowned. Danny seemed confident most of the time, but he was always slightly self conscious. "No, no you do not. You look beautiful, as you always do" Roy assured him, before planting a small kiss on his cheek. Danny instantly smiled, hugging Roy tightly.

They soon pulled away and Danny snapped his attention back onto Jay who was now trying to show off on the slip n' slide. I looked at Roy, who had now looked at me. I smiled before looking at Danny, Roy looked down before looking at me again, he gave me a bright smile and my heart melted.

I could tell they were in love. And how do I know? Because I look at Brian that way.

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