To my readers

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I am grateful and encouraged to see you are reading my work. I am simply thankful to you all for the time you are taking to read my book. I just want to ask you to share this book with your loved ones to let them too have a chance to read this book.
While proofreading my work, I've noticed a few mistakes in which I want to ask you to forgive me for. I'll work harder to perfect the chapters before posting. I want to ask you my readers to comment and tell me where I need to work harder and compliment if you feel the need to, it will really encourage me.
I would also want to put across the fact that among you my dear readers, if any of you write stories you would want me to read I'll be more than happy to read them and give you the support you need.
Thank you once again
I really do appreciate.
Ill be posting chapter 2: part one tonight
Your author

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