Chapter 2: Part three

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9th July 1999
Session thirty three

"I don't even know what to call you anymore......" I said taking a sit "but how are you?"

"Will i am extremely sorry about what happened yesterday........." Said Delilah with tears welling up in her eyes

"Hey....i didn't mean to come out so rudely........" I said reaching  out to hold her hand in which she held quite quickly but removed it leaving a piece of paper

I looked into her eyes and just from her expressions, it was like she was screaming to me to run and read the note in an enclosed room because of the cameras. I quickly stood up and went to the mens rest room and locked myself in one of the toilets quickly reading what she had written

                 William, I am terribly sorry about yesterday. I didn't want to tell you of Veronica earlier on because i thought she died along with my family. Veronica is the alter that killed my family. I swear i thought she died and that's why i didn't mention her but Will shes back and she wont be going anytime soon. Veronica is a murderer with no mercy and she wont go unless she kills Mr Collins. Remember when you took me to your field? Do you think you can take me out there once again so i can explain further and more clearly? 
Please tear this after you read
And kings, i really need your help.....please...
                              Scared to death

I paused for a second and let all the words sink in. I was already too engaged with this issue and so i needed at least to hear her out. After deciding to take her to a near cafe, i quickly tore the note into various pieces and flushed them down the system. I went and informed Dr Mathews of me taking Delilah for lunch under reasons of making her comfortable and free with me. He agreed and offered me company of a doctor which i declined. I then rushed with Delilah to the cafe, after checking her out under my name. The drive to the cafe was silently deafening and the situation didnt change at least until we were seated at the table with food in front of us.

"Kings" she started then looked into my eyes "My mother at some point apologised for what she did to me. Something got into her and suddenly she was extremely truly sorry but obviously i didn't forgive her, i was too broken. She stopped making Mr Collins take advantage of me but well he didn't take it well. After he picked me from school he would take me to his house and force himself on me then take me home. Well i got tired at some point, that's when Veronica came out. One day as he was about to force himself on me, i took out a gun which i stole from our security guards at home and i pulled the trigger in his direction. I don't know how but his wife.......stepped right in front of him and took the bullet. She died kings......she died... Well i ran home and i was so scared. He came home later at night and i thought he was going to tell dad but instead of what i expected dad came to my room, slapped me and cursed me. From that day he avoided me and mom just begun hating me all over. I don't know what Mr Collins told mom and dad but i know he lied and ill rip his head into two for that. But that's aside the point here.......kings Veronica will not stop until she gets Mr Collins dead. She will kill whoever she has to just to see him bleed, including you if she has to. I am not trying to threaten you or anything but that's just the case and so i just have to get him killed, that was the whole purpose of the car crash to get him killed. Its the only way, you gotta trust me. You have to help me escape this place so prevent any irrelevant deaths and from then on I'll know what i gotta do. Please just help me Kings, i don't want to be the reason for any ones death" she finished sadly then took a sip of her water

"Delilah what makes you think you can trust me and I'll help you? I could literally report you to the institution and you'll be arrested meaning no one gets hurt in any way?" I asked blankly

"Because Will, i know you don't wanna accept this but somehow and i still don't know why or how but i remind of you of Lilly, Daisy and Hibiscus and whether you want it or not you feel obliged to help me and so you will" she replied strongly that it made me shiver

"..................Delilah........ I just cant take you away from a facility and go back and work like I've done nothing illegal. The police will be after you and me and i would have lost my job my identity and my home. How could you possibly deal with that?" I asked tensing up

"Well you could arrange for my property papers of my family and all their bank statements to get signed to my name after all i am the heir. Ill have everything and i could give you a million or so to help you get away and all comfy" she said with a smirk

"Well that makes sense but there's no way am going to let you face Mr Collins alone, that man has served military" i replied with a laugh "your gonna need my help and he just deserves to go down, his one worthless sorry excuse of a man and i would love to discipline him before we watch him bleed"

"I would argue against you coming with me but i don't mind your company" she said then turned to ber food and begun eating

"Delilah you still gotta understand this is not so easy. You'll need to work with me on this. As i get the documents and all you have to control Veronica otherwise we won't get out of here. It will take a while to get all this done though" i said scratching my temple while taking a second to think before continuing  " I really wanna help but i cant do this alone. We need someone on the outside to help us. We need to involve an outside person otherwise will get caught even before we step out of that hell of a building"

"Will, a third person? How on earth will we find a person and not even that mostly trust this person?" She asked wide eyed

"Well, i do have a friend actually more of a brother on the outside. His name is Kayden. If we involve him we are damn sure it means involving his fiancée Crystal. They are one of the only people i can trust. They could settle everything, like literally everything and i wont even have to go anywhere which is way better cause there is zero chance of getting caught then."  I said smiling

"This is crazy Kings, just crazy" she replied shaking her head "why on earth would they wanna help us commit two damn crimes? They will rat us out!!!"

"No they wont, ill explain it all later to you but they will be excited to do this trust me. They both owe me a big favor and so they WILL do this and it will be way better if we offer them just a bit of cash to encourage them but they will do it. Just trust me."

"Damn Will, like i said do what you gotta do just don't you screw up"  she said taking a deep breath

"So for now i will continue with the sessions but just never bring this up. I will find a way to bring the papers to you to sign but i shall never bring up this topic and no matter how anxious you get just don't you dare ask me a thing. You'll know we are ready when i tell you am taking you to the field for some 'air' so until then just forget and leave this in my hands. You have to be patient and just trust me to get it done okay?"
"Sure. Ill do as you have said just don't you dare let me down otherwise you'll be the one i decide to hunt instead of Mr Collins" she said then smiled sweetly "thank you Kings"

"Oh no love, don't just thank me yet" i replied with a wink


Well just like i said a whole lota drama is about to go down
Am itching to spoil it for you but ill have to control myself and wait for the next chapter😉
Sorry for the late updates
I think we can take Saturday for updating chapters
Yah i guess that would work out
So don't forget to vote by pressing the star at the bottom of your screen ⭐
And please comment to let me know how you feel i would really love your feedback
So until the next chapter😃
I love you all
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