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Luke POV

"So...why'd you lie to Sanaa?" I asked. Algee glared at me in response. "Aye look, don't be mad at me. You the one that fucked up a good thing." I said. I directed my attention back to the road and concentrated on driving home. I assume this niggas gonna be staying with me for a lil bit.

I heard Algee sigh. "Look man...Lya and I were friends for most of my life. That's the amount of time I been in love with her. Once she moved away and we lost touch, I let her go. Or at least I thought I did. When I started falling for Sanaa I got scared man...I hadn't loved someone like that since Lya. It got so bad that on my wedding day, I found Lya on IG and messaged her telling her how much I loved her. I know now, and part of me knew when I did it, that it was a mistake. That's why I went out there and said those vows to my baby. Because I love her like I've loved NOBODY else. I love her more than I could ever fathom loving Lya. I only want her. But...when I saw Lya at IHOP and then again at my house, I panicked. I was starting to feel those things again. I just...I didn't know what to do. But you have to believe me, Sanaa is the only person I wanna spend my life with. I love her more than I love to breathe. If she left me....I don't know what I'd do." He admitted.


"Damn." I said. "That's heavy man...look bottom line is you gotta be honest with Lya. Point, blank, period. All or nothing honesty. Then let the chips fall where they may. If she really loves you, I doubt she'll leave you. It's not like you cheated." I said. He shook his head.

"Man...I hope so." He said. Score looking out the window. I figured he didn't wanna talk anymore so I let it go. When we pulled up to my house, there was a moving van parked in my damn driveway. "What the hell?" I said as I parked on the street. I took my keys out of the ignition and gave em to G. "Go ahead in man, make yourself comfortable." I told him. He nodded and got out the car.

I jumped out the car and went to my neighbors house where the other moving vans were parked. I knocked on the door. No one answered, but I heard Kehlani BLARING from the other side of the door.

I growled and banged on the door, growing annoyed. The music turned down and I heard the shuffling of footsteps towards the door. When I opened the door, I came face to face with...air?

I looked down and saw this GORGEOUS piece of woman in front of me. I just stared at her and she blushed. "Uh..can I help you?" She said shyly.  "Yeah baby...my names Luke." I said, sticking my hand out. "And you are?" "Jo, Jo Williams." She said, shaking my hand. I kissed her hand and she blushed harder.

"Aye, close that damn door!!" A dude came up behind her. When he saw our hands, he grabbed Jo by the waist and pulled her behind him. He got in my face and growled at me. "The fuck are you doing man? You wanna get yo ass kicked today?" He said. I took a deep breath and stepped back. "Look man, ion want no smoke with you. There's a moving van parked in my driveway. I want it moved." I said, glaring at him. He huffed and grabbed a set of keys and gave them to Jo. "Go move that shit." He ordered her. She damn near ran to go get her shoes.

Something not right over here.

I walked back over to my house and waited by the van to open the door for her. She came running out the house and towards the van. When she saw me, her eyes widened. I looked at her face, then her neck. She had a mark around it that wasn't there when we were just talking. "Did he do that to you?" I growled, balling my fists. "No...no I wore a shirt that was too tight. It's been there for days." She lied. I looked in her eyes, trying to let her know that I know she's lying. But I dropped it and just opened her door. She hopped in. "Maybe you should get a new shirt then." I said.

Then I closed the door.

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