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Domo POV

I backed up and stared daggers at Woody. "Excuse me?" I snarled. "Yes yes. His wife." That bitch said, walking over to Woody and putting her hand on his chest. He backed away from her, with his eyes on the ground. "You gon say something?" I asked him. "Tell me she's wrong!" I screamed. He looked at me with sadness in his eyes.

"Domo I.." He started. I cut him off. "Are you married or not nigga? It's pretty fucking simple. Either you are, or you aren't." I snarled. I could feel my wolf screaming to come out and claw both of them to fucking shreds.

"It's not that simple!!! It's a long story please just let me explain." He begged. I shook my head, trying to keep the tears from falling. This nigga got me completely fucked up. I felt something for him I hadn't ever felt before from the moment we met. And the whole time this niggas bitch ass was married.

"I'm gone." I said. I turned around to walk off when Woody put his hand on my arm. I turned around and punched him square in the jaw. He fell to the ground holding his face, looking at me shocked. I took two steps towards him before that bitch jumped in my face, snarling at me. I smirked. "Y'all not even worth me ripping this nice ass outfit. Have a nice life together." I turned around and walked off.

This time, he didn't come after me.

Algee POV

I had Luke drop me off at my house, I need to straighten shit out with my wife man. I really thought I loved Lya but I've never loved anyone the way I love Sanaa. And I intend to let her know that.

I walked up to my porch and couldn't figure out if I should knock or not...

I chose not.

I walked in and saw Sanaa sitting on the couch, crying into a bowl of popcorn and watching a movie. I guess she heard the door open. "Who's there?" She said.

"Who else would just be walking up in our house?" I replied, walking further in. Her face immediately went from wonder to anger. "Oh. What do you want Algee?" She said. Damn.

"Damn, I'm Algee now? What happened to baby?" I asked. "Baby went out the window when you cheated on me with that slut." She said.

My fuckin eyes almost fell out my head. "First of all, I have NEVER cheated on you. With her or anyone else. I've never even thought about it, I love you too much. Which is why I kept knowing Lya a secret from you. I didn't want you to think anything was going on between us, because it's not. It never has. I used to have feelings for her, but all that stopped when I fell for you baby. I would never EVER cheat on you. Why would I get married just to fuck up our marriage like that?" I asked.

She looked pale as a ghost. "So you...you and Lya never slept together?" She whispered. "No baby. And I'm so sorry I lied to you about knowing her. Can you forgive me?" I asked, walking closer to her. She stood up off the couch and jumped on me, wrapping her arms and legs around me, hugging me tight. "I'm so sorry baby." She said. "So am I honey." I said back.

I set her on her feet. "So can I come back home? Cuz Luke got his own shit going on and I'm pretty sure he don't want me staying there." I laughed. "Yes, of course you can daddy." She smiled, wrapping her arms around my neck. I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her. She kissed me back and I slid my hands down under her ass, picking her up off her feet. I walked towards the stairs with my wife in my arms.

I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be.

Wolfpack: A New Edition Cast StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora