Welcome To LA!!

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{Your 17, and staying in LA for a few months too focus on your modelling career. You don't really know anyone here, so your trying to make new friends}
/You walk into Starbucks and order your drink. You sit down at a table by yourself\
*the other side of the room*
Ethan; do you think they do pancakes in here?
Grayson; idk, go ask.
/Ethan gets up, walks up to one of the waiters and asks\
Ethan; uh, do you sell pancakes here?
Waiter; no, sorry. Can I get you anything else?
Ethan; no, it's fine.
/Ethan runs his hands through his hair and turns his head. He looks at you, but you don't see. He walks back to his table\
Ethan; I've got good news and bad news.
Grayson: what?
Ethan; bad news, they don't sell pancakes.
Grayson; okay?
Ethan; good news, there's a hottie over there.
/Ethan points at you, Grayson turns his head and looks shocked\
Grayson; woah.
/You see them, and smile. They both look embarrassed and turn back\
Ethan; well there goes our chances.
Grayson; yep.
Ethan; she's still looking at us though...?
Grayson: what?
/He turns around and looks, he waves at you to come over to them\
Your POV; I may aswell go over there, they seem nice. And I suppose I need to make friends while I'm here🤷🏻‍♀️
/You walk over to them. Grayson pulls out a chair for you\

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