The Dolan Twins?

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You; hey.
Ethan; hi, I'm Ethan.
/He gives you a hug\
Grayson; hey, I'm Grayson. Sorry about being weird before, you probably think we're both weirdos😅
/you sit down\
You; no not at all aha. thank god ive got someone to talk too. I just moved here and I don't know anyone.😅
Grayson; what? Really!
You; yeah😂😅
Ethan; well lucky we found you, ha.
Grayson; why did you move here?
You; to start a modelling career
Ethan; that's so cool! Do you have any pictures?
You; uh yeah😂😅
/you pull out your phone and show them your instagram\
Grayson; woah, your go-. I mean these are great!
/you blush. They pull there phones out and follow you\
You; so what were you two doing in here??
Ethan; we were thinking of ideas for our videos. YouTube videos, not anything else😂😉
You; what?! You too are youtubers?
Grayson; yeah
/he shows you the channel in his phone\
You; wow, that's so cool! What ideas do you have?
Ethan; we've got a few. Maybe you could help?
You; sure.
Grayson; Ethan, we've got a meeting in 20 mins. Uh, y/n should I get your number so you can text us if you think of anything?
/Ethan looks a little confused\
You; yeah sure!
/you put your number in Grayson phone\
You*to ethan*; do you want it too?
Ethan; uh, sure.
/you put it in Ethan's phone aswell\
Grayson; it was nice meeting you, we will definitely have to hang out again.
Ethan; yeah bye☺️
/They walk out\
Ethan; gray, we don't have a meeting. Why did you make me leave?🤦🏻‍♀️
Grayson; it was the only way we were gonna get her number.
Ethan; oh, good thinking. She's hot though😍
Grayson; yeah, way out of your league😂
Ethan; oi, were twins🤦🏻‍♀️
Grayson; aha.
*in starbucks*
/you start searching there instagram, you see that they're pretty famous\
Your POV; I'm so glad I've made some new friends. They both seem so cool, and plus they're hot.
/you walk back to your apartment, and decide to go to the gym\

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