Part 4

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Phil was dreading the next day. That morning in the staff briefing he didn't hear anything the head was saying and ended up tapping his pencil against his laptop, making people around him stare agitatedly. But Phil hardly realised he was doing it. Only when the teacher next to him nudged him slightly he stopped, looking around him to see the glares.

When he got to his room he slumped in his chair and flipped open his laptop. He checked his timetable, trying to remember what class he had first. His concentration had been thrown off completely by admitting his feelings towards Dan. He could hardly take his mind off it, it had stopped him sleeping last night even. He was happy yes, but he didn't know how to handle it. How would they meet up without someone finding out? He didn't have Dan's class today, making it a little easier but he would have no way of contacting him if they did want to meet.

He heard the bell go off and watched as the first few students started piling into their seats. He sighed and got up, trying to put some enthusiasm in his voice as he started the lesson.

By break time he had relaxed more. He had had some coffee and biscuits and some of his students had made him laugh so he was starting to feel more normal. But then he heard a swift scraping of paper on gravel sound and looked up to see something had appeared under his door. He walked over and picked up the slip of paper, unfolding it. It read:

Call me
-D xx

Phil pulled out his phone quickly and started putting in the number, but froze. If he did this, this meant they were more. If he contacted Dan it would break every little last cover they had. He sighed and put his phone away, slipping the note into his pocket with it. He sat back behind his laptop and engrossed himself in his work, he didn't want to think about what he and Dan were becoming.

That evening as he undressed he found the note, a little crumpled and torn, left stuffed in his pocket. He looked over it again and decided to put Dan's number into his phone. With a kiss by the name. Or two. He wasn't going to contact him, but he never knew when or if he would want to in the future so he thought it best to save it just in case. He climbed into pyjamas and fell into his bed. Having a secret romance was extremely tiring, and he was only just starting to get used to it.

A few days later he had Dan's class as his last period.

Dan kept looking at him and pouting throughout the lesson, scowling slightly. Phil was a little unnerved, Dan looked angry at him. Oh shit what had he done now? He gulped as Dan shot him a furious but disappointed glance and Phil turned away to the whiteboard, writing down an exam style question they had to do for the January mocks they were having. He caught Dan staring at him a couple more times that lesson, and he tried to overlook him completely from the hostility sent his way. That lesson was to say at least, not very cheery.

When the last bell rang and he had dismissed his class he sidled over to his desk and flopped into his chair. He thought everyone had gone but he heard a cough come from near the door. He looked up a little to see Dan, eyebrows raised, arms folded, wearing a scowl.
"What?" Phil asked, snapping at him slightly.
"You haven't called or texted me when I gave you my number. At first I thought you hadn't received it but I knew no one else was in your classroom at the time. You were ignoring me. And still are. Why? What have I done? It's like you're mad at me!"

Phil sighed, closing his eyes an rubbing his temples for a minute, sorting out the long strands of un-connecting words in his head, trying to move them to make sense.
"Dan, I am not mad at you. I am worried for you. For both of us. What happens if we get caught? Both our lives could be ruined. I don't want that for you, you are so young, which is another point we don't even have to get into to prove the problem. I didn't contact you because I don't know how to handle this," Phil told him, looking seriously into his face, watching his face soften and protest in different places.
"But Phil! Sorry, Sir, we wouldn't get caught, we would be careful and no one would ever know. And if we just plan carefully then it will be fine. You don't have to worry," Dan said, walking over and sitting on the desk in front of him. What he really wanted was to sit on his lap, stroke his hair, kiss his forehead. But he couldn't in the middle of the school, even if no one could see them behind closed doors. Phil sighed again.
"Oh but I do worry Dan. I do everyday."
"But you said you loved me. I heard it. I saw you say it. You can't deny that no matter how much you want to," Dan whispered, dropping his gaze to the floor.
"In all honestly Dan, yes. I do. But it's too complicated. Too tricky," Phil said, chewing his lip and tilting his head back on his chair. Dan stood up suddenly making Phil's head turn.
"Well then I will show you how uncomplicated this can be. Meet me at 9 in the car park where we kis... I mean you helped me before." He said, and walked out the door, pulling it back shut behind him. Phil was slightly shocked. Phil had never seen the impulsive side of Dan, but he didn't know too much about him really. Only that he loved him. But he could find out more tonight. If he actually went.

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