#7 Read Books About Writing

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This silly book has only covered the tip of the iceburg!

To become a great writer, you MUST understand the basics of grammar and punctuation. I promise you, I hate grammar as much as you do! But I want to make my living as a writer someday, so I forced myself to learn.

Here is a list of books that have inspired me over the last several years. I hope they help you on your journey as a writer!

"On Writing" by Stephen King

"Writing a Great Movie" by Jeff Kitchen

"Writing Tools: 50 Essential Strategies for Every Writer" by Roy Peter Clark

"Story" by Robert McKee


Want more tips? I just published a new paperback called "Put the Cat In the Oven Before You Describe the Kitchen." It contains all these tips, and TWENTY more! You can also download an abridged ebook FOR FREE on Amazon.

Look for links in my profile!

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