Live A Little - 2

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"Yes, mom?" Angelique responded, hurrying into her room. "You needed me? Is there something wrong?"

The look on her Angelique's mother, Makayla was one of pure disgust. 

"What is that on my brand new Persian rug?!" she screeched. 

Angelique didn't say anything at first, but after bending down and inspecting it once again, she saw the dirty footprints that were splattered all over it. 

"I have no idea where that came from, mom, I swear." Angelique told her honestly. 

"Well, I believe you, but would you please be a dear and clean it up for me?" Angelique must've been making a face, because her mother quickly rushed into add. "I would do it myself, but there's a party at Mary Lou's house. You remember the Bradberry boys, don't you? Well, they've come back for the summer and we all just can't wait to catch up again!" 

Great, so her parents were ditching her for the Bradberry's too. 

"Yeah, sure, mom." Angelique agreed, looking up at her mother. 

"Great, the cleaning supplies are in the bathroom and make yourselves some dinner before going to bed, won't you, dear?"

"Yes, mother." Angelique answered diligently. 

"Good girl," Makayla turned to leave out the door, when she suddenly remembered something and turned back around. "By the way, Angelique, have you seen Amber Lily? I haven't seen for over an hour now. Wasn't she in the garage with you? Why didn't she come on up with you?"

Angelique didn't want to lie to her mother, but she knew she would figure it out and she'd get in trouble for it. But, she also couldn't snitch on her sister or she'd get mad at Angelique and get her back for it as well. 

"Oh, she's somewhere." She answered quietly. 

Angelique looked at everything in the room except for her mother, but Makayla still somehow found out she was lying.

"Oh, don't lie to me like that!" She swatted at the air. "I know she's out with the Bradberry boys. She somehow figured out that they were coming home for the summer and went all out with her makeup and clothes. Guess she wanted to make a good impression. Well, take care and be safe at home, I'll be back soon. But, uh, don't wait up for me." 

"Bye mom." Angelique said sadly. 

"Toodle-oo!" Her mother blew her a small kiss and waved at her with two fingers before walking out the door. 

Angelique nodded to herself and wet her chapped lips. She turned around and walked into her mother's bathroom. She was immediately hit with the scent of vanilla - her mother and sister's favorite - and honey - her father, Ricard's favorite. 

Angelique grabbed a small bucket, a rag, yellow gloves and a spray. She walked back into the room and dropped down to her knees and started rubbing away at the dirt on the rug. Angelique scrubbed vigorously and used all the anger she had inside her as an extra use of power. 

While Angelique was busy playing 'maid' in her own house, Amber Lily was off having the time of her life with the two best guys in the whole world. 

"Whoo!" She squealed at the top of her lungs. "This party is ama-zing!"

When Amber Lily had stepped out of the garage for a few minutes to breathe. A person could only take so much gasoline and smoke without feeling nauseous and Amber Lily had reached that point a long while ago.

She seriously couldn't understand how Angelique could possibly enjoy being stuck in an overfilled, cramped, dirty garage all day and not utter a single complaint about how hot it was or how tiring it was fixing cars.

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