a. almora jr. | cubs

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for @Ekblad5FLA

"Bye, Addison! Have fun!" My mom waves from the door of her humble house, my son on her hip. She had offered to take Alfonso for the night so I could go out with my best friend.

I wave back and blow a kiss to Alfonso while starting the car and pull out of the driveway. Before pulling out of the neighborhood, I quickly send a text to Jessica, letting her know I was on my way. Much to my dismay, she had suggested that we go out for drinks tonight. She likes to pretend that I don't know that she's trying to find someone for me, even though I've repeatedly told her that it didn't work out well last time with Albert.

We dated for over two years. I got pregnant unexpectedly and didn't know what to do. Albert and I had briefly talked about getting married and possibly having kids, but he said he wasn't ready to be a dad. He was gone too much, he said. Once I found out, I cried for hours, trying to come up with different scenarios in my head of how to break the news to him. Eventually, I told myself that I would cross that bridge when I came to it, but the bridge never came. Two days later, he came home from a rough game angry. When I tried to help him calm down, he accused me of being clingy and told me to leave home alone, so that's what I did. I grabbed my things and left.

Now here I am, a number of years later, getting deja vu.

I finally escaped my thoughts, realizing that I had made it to the inner city where Jessica lived. After texting her that I had arrived, she buzzed me in and I made my way up to her floor. She opened the door wearing pajamas and no makeup, so I knew I would be here for awhile.

After finishing her hair and makeup, she began applying my makeup. I always made her do it for me; she was much more skilled and had better products.

"So, when're you gonna settle down, lil' mama?" She asked while blending eyeshadow on my lid.

"Whenever the time comes," I answer, knowing that she won't like the vague response.

She scoffs and I try to hide a smile. It was easy to push her buttons, even if that reply was mostly true.

"Addison, Alfonso needs a daddy!" Jess argues.

I ignore her, knowing she's right.

"Alright, let's get this over with," I say with a small smile as she finishes my makeup.


The bar was crowded, people drunk off of the alcohol and the apparent win the Cubs pulled off over the Cardinals. I didn't even know they played tonight; I had no reason to follow the team after Albert and I broke it off.

Jessica and I luckily found two unoccupied seats at the bar, but she quickly slipped away to dance with the guy that bought our first drinks. So much for helping me find someone.

Not too long after Jess left, someone slipped into her spot, motioning the bartender over. I glanced up at the man, only to do a double take and notice an awfully familiar face. He caught my gaze and turned to look at me, his eyes going wide.

"Addison?" He questions, as if I'm not really
in front of him.

"Actually, I need to be going," I stutter, quickly hopping off the barstool and making my way outside. The cool night air rushes against my skin and I take a deep breath, choosing to sit on one of the benches to gather myself and figure out what to do.

"Addison, you left your phone," a voice booms from behind me. I jump a little, not expecting him to follow me. I turn around and look at him again. He looks really good. In the process of reaching out to give me my phone back, his thumb clicks on the home button and the screen illuminates in the darkness. I watch as his eyes scan over my phone screen, looking at the little boy that is my screensaver. "Do... Do you have a son?" He questions, his eyes meeting mine. I nod, words getting caught in my throat. "How old is he?"

"He just turned three," I spit out, hesitantly retrieving my phone.

"Wait.. Is he mine..?" His brow furrows, something that I used to notice all the time.

"Yes. Alfonso Lee Almora," I choke out, tears welling in my eyes. I stand up and he steps in front of me.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asks, sounding defeated.

"You told me you weren't ready. I didn't know how to tell you, but we broke up and I just figured I'd raise him by myself. He doesn't respond, but instead takes a step forward and wraps his arms around me. Eventually I follow suit and we stand in front of the bar, tangled in each other's arms.

"I'm so sorry, Addison," he mumbles into my hair. "Can we please start over?"

"I'd like that," I say, pulling away. He smiles at me a reaches for my hand starting back towards the entrance of the bar.

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