chapter 12

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(do read chapt 11 first before reaching here dont get confused😂)

eunbi pov

i walked and walked all the way to the locker area. I grab my coat and put my bag inside. I took my phone and put it in my jeans pocket. I put the stethoscope on my shoulder and head to ER.

On the way to the ER, jungkook stopped me.

"eunbi-ya." he spoke.


"i-im sorry.." he then said.

"wae? You didnt do anything wrong dr jeon.." i said.

"yah..just call me Dr Jungkook. And im sorry that you have to bring up wonwoo.." he said while looking down at his shoes.

i punched his chest playfully and said, "yah 😂 gwaenchana :) i really need to forget wonwoo." I said and i really meant it.

"So we're good?" He asked.

I nodded and went back to work.

skip to after 3 days.

Every night shift, its either pinky, taehyung, jungkook, jackson or jinyoung asked me to take over their shift. actually i only had 1 night shift for this whole week. But for three straight days, i covered for them alone in the ER. Today is the fourth day. I rarely eat and sleep well. Im tired but gwaenchana, since im still alive, i'll do whatever i can. Jungkook and taehyung have a very important heart surgery next week so they cant get ill. So i have to take over them. Its night shift now. Im alone again in the ER with 3 nurses. Im worried if theres an accident gonna happen.

I was checking on a patient when Nurse Oh came to me.

"Dr eunbi, theres a patient with his parents having a terrible flu. And it looks like the whole family got them too. Could you check on them?" She asked.

"Arasso, lead me there. Oh and rest well Mrs Hong." I said and follow Nurse Oh.

"Annyeonghaseyo, so what happen?" I asked while applying medical gloves and got ready my stethoscope.

"My son got a cough for almost 1 week. We went to the clinic doctor to check but it seems to not be working." His mum said.

"Arasso, whats your name?" I asked.

"Jinwoo.." the boy said nervously while coughing.

"Jinwoo-ah, can you lie down on the bed for me? I need to check your breathing. Now take a deep breath...and breathe out.. breathe in.........and breathe out. Thats great. Um Mr...." i asked.

"Mr Yoon." His father said weakly.

"Mr yoon..his lungs are fine but he have some breathing problems. Oh and let me check the both of you too." I said and i checked mr and mrs yoon's breathing.

"Did any of you visit any other countries lately?" I asked.

"Hmm..*cough* i just came back from Saudi Arabia..*cough* " mr yoon said.

"s-saudi arabia?.." i shocked. I looked at Nurse Oh and she looked at me back.

" cant be...." nurse oh said.

We both went over to the information counter where the other two nurses are there.

"Guys..we might have a MERS situation right now.." i said nervously. I had a terrible headache.

"I need you to close down the ER"i instructed.

After about 20 minutes later, the nurses did as what i instructed and we all wore the n95 masks and protection suit. They told me to wear the protection suit but no i dont want. I feel really lethargic. Giddy. I called appa.

"appa, did you get the news?" I asked.

"Ne, sweetie. Do you need me?" He asked.

" fine appa" i assured him.

He got worried but in the end he gave in to me and will watch me from the cctv.

Then after i ended the call, i saw jungkook looking at me through the window worriedly. He called me.

"Eunbi-ya..gwaenchana? y-you look pale. Dont overwork yourself.." he said. His eyes were watery as if he's gonna cry.

"Yah..i'm ....finee..*cough* dont be worried about me jungkook-ah.." i said. I could feel my head being really heavy. I felt cold sweats dripping down from my forehead.

"Yah..wear the protection suit eunbi-ya.." he said worriedly.

"I....dont want... jungkook..stay away from the door. I dont want you to get ill.." i said and gave him an assuring smile but i really felt sick and tired.

"Go home..jungkook.." i said and quickly ended the call.

I left.

jungkook pov

I ran to the main ER door after the phonecall. And begged Mr Hwang to let me be inside and be there with eunbi. He didnt let me.

"Dr hwang..please...eunbi is unwell. She is not stable..please let me in.." i begged him.

"Ani jungkook. You cant. You have an important heart surgery next week." Dr hwang said.

Then there was a chaos in the ER. I saw eunbi lying on the floor.

"EUNBI!" I shouted and keep on banging on the door to open.

"OPEN THE DOOR!!" I shouted with tears flowing down on my cheeks.

"DR HWANG PLEASE LET ME IN.. *cries* i will give up on my position. Give my position to Dr pinky. Mian dr hwang. *cries* please let me help eunbi dr hwang." I begged him on my knees.

"Haish this kid. Go and wear the n95 mask and protection suit." Dr hwang said and open the door. I didnt wear the protection suit and just put on the n95 mask and went in.

"Dr jeon! Your prote- aish that kid." Dr hwang shouted but i already locked the door from inside.

"How's eunbi's vital sign?" I asked nurse oh.

"Oh dr jeon, you're here..her vitals are not good..she's running a very high fever. 39.8 degrees." Nurse oh gave me the details.

I cupped her left cheek with my right hand and gently rub it with my thumb.

"Give her the fever medicine and inject it to her blood. Give saline 250 ml. She needs rest. She has been working late night for 3-4 nights straight." I said while looking at her.

Eunbi-ya...i love you.


Heres chapter 12! Thank you so much for reading! Oh yes! This scene is inspired by 'romantic doctor teacher kim'. Huhu 😂 sorry for the boring chapter! Have a nice day yall!

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