Chap. 4

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Nath put his foot on the brake as we pulled into a small lot behind the flat. There were so many things different than I had expected. Since their home had last been showcased in a video, so many things had changed. It was clean. Had they cleaned up just for me, or was this how they lived now?

Everyone was acting normal when Nath and I walked in.

“Hello! You must be Sophia!” Siva gave me a welcoming hug. Then Max did the same. Tom gave me a peck on the cheek, and Jay was too busy playing Temple Run to even notice we had arrived.

“Jay! That’s no way to treat our guest!” Nath reprimanded him, and Jay walked over.

“Hi, Soph. I’m Jay from The Wanted.”

“Really? Thanks for reminding me!” My sarcastic personality overpowered my politeness.

“Oh, well, you never know these days. So many people judge us by our looks, and they don’t even know what we’re all about. I say music matters most right now.” Tom spoke passionately.

“You haven’t got to worry about me. I fell in love with you all for the music. The looks are just an added bonus.” I glanced at Nath as I said the last sentence.

I could see a slight blush pass across his face, but no one else would ever notice.

“I’ll give Soph a tour of the flat,” said Nathan matter-of-factly. Anyone could tell he didn’t want the rest of the boys to come along. It was my turn to blush.

As he showed me their place, I didn’t really listen to what he was saying. I was too busy watching his lips move as he spoke. I wanted those lips on mine again. My feelings had never felt so strong before.

“Are you even listening to me?” Nathan’s words brought me back to reality.

“What?” My face was blank.

“I was saying, here’s the guest room if you’d like to settle in.”

“Oh, uh, okay.” I smiled at him.

“If you need anything, my room’s right there.” He pointed to a door straight across from mine.

“Alright. Hey, thanks for the tour.”

“Maybe another time you can give me a tour….” He trailed off.

“Where did you have in mind?” I was confused. I’d never been in the UK. I had no idea where to go!

“Sorry, that was uncalled for. I’m sorry….” His words faded again.

“Sorry for what? Tell me!”

“Yeah, well, that was a sexual reference. You know, like you give me a tour of, you know?”

I was so stupid. How could I not have caught that?!?! Nathan Sykes was getting dirty with me!

“Oh, ha-ha. Good one.” I tried to hide my face that was now red rather than pink.

“Good night, Soph. And if you get lonely…Um, never mind.”

Nathan retreated to his room, and I had to keep reminding myself that this was all real. I was in the UK. I was at The Wanted’s house. Nathan Sykes was flirting with me.

I Know I'm Gonna See Your Face Again (The Wanted FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now