Chap. 26

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“I’m not ready for a relationship right now. Definitely not with you – I can’t trust you.”

I saw a tear roll down the Sophie’s cheek. It broke my heart, but then again, what did I care? She lied to me. I wasted years of my life for her, and this is how she repays me.

What was wrong with me? One girl making me act this way? I didn’t even remember the night before. Who was the girl she called ‘Blondey’? I needed someone to talk to, so I headed over to Max’s. He always gave good advice.


“Can I come in?  I just really need to talk to someone.”

“Sure, mate. Come on. You want a cookie? Becky made ‘em,” Max said.

“No, thanks. I’m not really in the mood,” I said, staring at the lines between the tiles of the kitchen floor.

“Nath, when’s the last time you ate? You look really pale.”

Now that he mentioned it, I hadn’t actually eaten since the night before the trial. Soph and I had just been too worried to eat breakfast the morning of. Sure I definitely had had some alcohol last night, but no food. Honestly, I had been feeling light-headed and dizzy along with my killer headache, but I had just pegged it all to drinking too much.

Max could see me contemplating, and he said, “A while, huh? Sit down, I’ll make you something.”


“Nathan, you look –”

“I said no!”

Max put his hands up in defeat, “Okay! Suit yourself.”

“Listen, I’m sorry.”

“Don’t apologize. I know what you’re going through. I’m guessing you and Sophie…”

“Broke up? Yeah, I was pretty harsh. I think I might have gone out last night and...I don’t know.”

“You didn’t.”

“I think I did…”

“Nath! Does she know?”

I nodded.

“Think of what she must be feeling right now! Pregnant and alone. Where did she stay last night??”

“Who cares?”

“This isn’t the Nathan I know.”

“I didn’t come here for you to bash on me! Think of how I must be feeling! I was told I was the father of her kid! It’s all lies! I LOVED her and she turns around and slaps me in the face! I don’t know what love is, because we never had it! It was fake. All of it!” After my last exclamation, I felt a sharp pain in my head, and it resounded through my body. My mind went blank.



There was a cold crack as Nathan’s head hit the tile floor.

Becky rushed out of the bedroom.

“What happened??!!” She stared at the limp body on the floor. “I’ll call 911.”

She rushed back into the room to get her phone, and I knelt down next to Nath.

“It’s okay, mate. It’s all going to be okay. You’re going to be okay.” The only word I could think of was okay, and I hoped it was true.

Literally 5 minutes later, we heard sirens coming towards our flat. They rushed in and took Nathan into the ambulance. Becky and I got into the car, and I began to call the rest of the lads.

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