Mikayla and Matt imagine

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You lay up against Matts chest as his arm rest comfortably around your shoulders as you two are sitting on his couch watching a movie. You and Matt have been friends for a while, but 6 months, half a year ago you guys decided to make things official. Matt hasn’t told anyone and neither have you. Matt was scared that it would get out and you would get hate. You were kind of scared of his fandoms reactions but it was eating you alive that you couldn’t call your best friend every time Matt did something cute, you had watch what you tweet and post on instagram.

You turn and look at him, he looks down at you and smiles, God he’s so perfect. You look down at your hands, you don’t want to say anything, but you know if you don’t tell him how you feel it would bother you.

“Matt how long do we have to hide?” You ask quietly.

He grabs the remote and pauses the movie “What?” he asks a little confused.

“I don’t like hiding Matt, it’s not fun for me and I know it’s not fun for you. I know you’re scared, I mean I’m scared too but Matt we can’t hide forever. It has to come out some time.” You say nervously playing the bracelet you had on your wrist, you have no clue why you’re so nervous, you’re so comfortable around Matt.

“I know Mikayla, I hate hiding it from my fans, I hate hiding it from my best friends. At this point I don’t think I’m scared of you getting hate, I’m scared they will hate me for keeping it from them.”

“Matt I don’t want to pressure you, I’m sure your fans will understand. If they see you happy they should be happy.”

He smiles and kisses your nose “Hold on.”

He darts upstairs then returns a couple minutes later with his camera and tripod.

“What’s going on?” You ask as he sets up his camera.

“We are going to make a video and I’m going to tell everyone about you.” He smiles at you.

You laugh, he’s so cute. “We really don’t have to do this right now if you don’t want to.”

He grabs your hand and kisses you softly “But I want to.”

He instructs you on how he wants the video to go, he says he is going to talk first then he will bring you in.”

He presses record as you sit in the chair across the room.

“Hey guys I have something kinda serious to talk about with you guys.” He pauses and smiles at you.

“You know I don’t like to hide stuff from you. I like to be very open and honest but I have a confession, I have been hiding something big from you guys…”

He takes a deep breath “I have been seeing this amazing, beautiful girl Mikayla for about 6 months now.” He motions you over.

You walk over and join him on the couch. You nervously run your hand through your hair and wave to the camera.

“Everyone meet Mikayla.” He smiles at you then looks back at the camera.

“My reason for hiding this huge secret is I was scared of the hate she might believe and I don’t really like putting my personal business out there and the longer I kept this secret the more I was scared of how much you guys would hate me for keeping something this big from you guys. But then I finally realized I can’t hide this amazing girl forever.”

You look at him and smile as he talks. “I hope guys love her as much as I do. She’s my entire world just like you guys. I hope you adore like my family does and I just really hope you guys can accept her.”

He turns to you asks if you want to say anything.

You look into the camera “I understand if I get some hate and guys don’t accept me right away. But I promise nothing will change, he’s still yours. He loves you guys so much and I will not change that. He can still take cute and silly pictures with you guys I won’t let him stop doing that stuff. I mean you guys are the reason he’s the amazing person he is today. He will always be your Matt, your world, your love, your everything. But he makes me happy and I hope to God I make him happy and if your idol is happy shouldn’t you be happy? Never in a million years will I try to take Matt from you guys. Like I said he will always be yours I just hope you guys will share him with me from time to time.” You smile and look at Matt.

“You’re so perfect.” He says kissing your forehead, you guys say bye and turn off the camera.

“Thank you Mikayla.” He says turning towards you.

“For what?”

“For being so amazing.” He pulls you closer and kisses you.

It’s been 3 weeks since Matt posted the video.

Your twitter has been blowing up nonstop. Everyone was being so nice and supportive, it made you and Matt feel kind of stupid for being so scared. A lot of people even suggested you guys start your own YouTube and Vine channel together. It was nice not having to hide; it was actually kind of fun sharing your boyfriend with a million other girls.

A/N: okay guys I am not trying to say there is anything wrong with our fandom or trying to hate on it in anyway but you have to admit anytime the guys mention girls, we go crazy. This is probably how they feel, I’m just trying to put it into perspective how they probably feel and how we should react when they do tell us something like that.

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