Jimin x Reader

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"I don't love you anymore..." His soft voice spoke as his grip on your hands loosened - pinky only now connecting you both. "It was never meant to be..."
With that, his hand finally left yours as he turned away - eyes shimmering with tears.
"W-what do you mean?" You stammered, voice quiet practically a light whisper.
"I'm in love with somebody else, okay?" He ended up raising his voice a little, eyes sharpening at your broken gaze. "Don't bother to come back."
You watched him as he turned, turned away from you, away from your love, feelings and memories you both shared.  How could he just do that? How could he just leave you like it was nothing in the first place?
Tears were streaming down your sleeping face, cheeks red as you curled up into the sheets - sleeping form searching for some kind of comfort. However, Jimin had awoken due to your little whines escaping from your mouth along with some sniffles. He sat up, rubbing his eyes with his partly covered sleeved hands.
"Baby?" He whispered, voice a little deep from just waking up. Due to no reply he looked over at you, concern filling his eyes as he sat up - leaning over and gently shaking you in an attempt to awake you from your night terror. You jumped up, hands clutching the sheets with strength as you took in deep breaths, staring straight forward trying to gain your surroundings. He kneeled beside you, softly taking your hands in his to stop you from hurting them. "Hey, hush little one..." he whispered within an attempt to sooth you - eyes still wary with concern.

"J-jimin?" you stammered, "I thought you left me..." Instantly Jimin gasped, moving fully in front of you and pulling you softly into his chest.

"Why would I ever leave my baby?" he questions, lips softly kissing the top of your head as he continues to speak, "I'd never ever leave you, so don't think that okay?" All you could do was nod as you allowed your tears to spill down your face, clutching onto his long baggy shirt. "Lets just have the day with each other tomorrow, we can meet up with Jungkook and J-hope another day alright?" You nodded once again, allowing his free hand to softly rub your back as he hummed a light tune finally lulling you to sleep.

Its okay now, he wont leave you.

He's yours to keep.

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