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This thing called life is something i cant figure out on my own i leave it up to people i meet to quide me down this road. Their actions inspire, lead me to the right path. For i cant study my own actions, my life cant be seen through a looking glass. I fear that would be to clear to people here. They wouldn't try to change because everyone keeps trying to stay the same what happen to god making us unigue in our own ways. Now people dress and act the same i keep asking myself why am i sane. Looking at lives around me is bringing me pain. Clicks and gangs drinking until we pass out at 13. Drinking so we can forget the things that cloud our mind. Cause the only cloud we trying to get on is 9 all them thoughts are a waste of time and time passes by quickly before you know it its been years you stand up from the same chair and look in the mirror to find the same sad person their. Stop i aint trying to be their gotta face my fears and let the pain pull me in come to peace with my issues not run away from them cause maybe then mary jane will be my friend rather then someone i call over cause im afraid to make it to the end.

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