Broken Wings

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I found you on the ground,

Wings outstretched- a broken crow.

Fallen from the darkest skies,

Your heart no longer soars or flies.

The light in your eyes now dulled to a gray,

Power and life abandoned to decay.

Some have said you're a profit of Death,

Hence you followed me here with this knife in my chest.

As I looked down behind you, I began to realize,

I had stumbled upon Death's greatest prize.

I watched as you forced one empty last breath,

Your feet curled tightly against your black breast.

At this sight, I silenced my cries,

As I watched you turn the path towards your final demise.

Vision blurred and I cannot see straight,

It's already too late- for this is our fate.

A heart as cold and dark as your feathers,

For my wings too, are broken and tethered.

I found something then, in both you and me,

We are both Mary's children,

We have both been set free. 

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