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- = + = - Unknown's POV - = + = -

"I'm sorry Lorelei. I'm sorry for letting you down. I'm sorry for letting you go undercover on that op alone. I should have been there. I shouldn't have let you go alone," Emily incessantly apologized to the headstone, that marked an old friend's grave, for the millionth time that month. Derek checked his phone, gently whispered something to her, and coaxed her away from the cemetery.

I watched from the shadows, and once the target was on someone else's watch, I pulled out my phone and dialed a number.

"Hello?" The voice on the other end asked. It was a good cover, as we used different phones all the time.

"E.P. has left the cemetery," I reported.

"And?" The voice asked. "I'm not bloody telepathic you idiot. What happened? She wasn't supposed to leave for another two minutes like always," They spat.

"She apologized yet again, then got called in on a case," I reported.

"Thank you, Allison. You are my only friend in this world," The voice replied.

"Don't you know it,"

- = + = - Lorelei's POV - = + = - 1 Year Earlier - = + = -

The hospital was like hell. They kept poking me and prodding me so much, I felt like a pincushion. My only consolation was that Hotch had followed my orders and hadn't told anyone where I was or that I was alive.

Now a few weeks later I was hiding out in the Scottish countryside. The only ones who knew I was alive were Hotch and Rossi. They called or texted when they could, it wasn't as often as I would have liked but I was busy recreating my networks of informants, and spies.

"Aren't you supposed to be dead?" A woman's voice called through the warehouse.

"Same goes for you Quinn," I retorted. I turned to see one of my oldest friends, from before Emily and Ziva. Her real name was Allison, but for safety, I called her by her newest identity.

"What happened?" She asked.

"I got sloppy," I replied. "I let my guard down. Now, I'm rebuilding my network and planning the downfall of the man who started this,"

"Renae?" She asked.

"He will be dead by the end of the month," I assured her. "If you help me,"

"What do you need?" She asked with a smirk.

Like Strangers - Tale 2 in the Reynolds seriesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن