Chapter 1

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- = + = - Lorelei's POV - = + = -

After creating my network of spies, informants, forgers, and dealers, I started crossing off threats. Ari Haswari, and Andrew Renae. I tried going after my brother but he knew how to stay below my radar like I knew how to stay below his. 

"Keket," Quinn called. Her voice echoed throughout the almost empty warehouse. "I've got a new mark for you," I stood from my seat and opened the door. She walked in and threw the file onto my desk.

"I can't stay long, I have to get back to DC," She stated. "Now that you're on your vengeance kick, I've got something for you," I opened the file. A boy with an abusive mother, who ran a human trafficking operation.

"Thanks," I looked up at her. I fished out some cash and handed her a bundle of bills. "$100,000 for your services these past months,"

"I have a plane to catch," She replied gripping the money and walking out the door. I grabbed my swords and the file before following her out the door.

- = + = -                - = + = -

I made quick work of my mark, killing her quickly and efficiently removing her from the world. I heard the boy in the next room screaming. I rushed into his room, propping my swords by the door, before checking up on him. Nightmares. Even in his dreams, his mother abused him. I gently woke him and he fought against my hands.

"It's alright," I calmed him. I knew what it was like to be afraid to close your eyes, afraid that the things from your nightmares would be there every time your eyes closed. His eyes opened, the blue was striking even in the middle of the night.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I've come to take you away. Take you somewhere safe," I replied. He nodded. "Gather your things," I urged. He got out of bed and did as I asked. I could hear the police sirens nearing. I lead him out onto the front porch and sat him down.

"The police are coming, they will take you to a new home. If you have any problems call me," I handed him a card with a phone number on it. "At any time," He nodded and I stalked off into the night.

- = + = -                - = + = -

You made headlines. 'Vigilante dubbed 'The Midnight Angel' by child' Nice. Quinn texted me.

I know. I'm not sure about the name though. Sounds superhero-ish and narcissistic I replied.

No. It doesn't. Heroes save people. You are a girl on the run from her past, that does the same. Quinn assured me.

Thanks. I needed that I answered. Got to go save the world again. 

I rolled my eyes and looked through files. A phone call.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Buy a plane ticket to Miami ASAP. Emily is in trouble," 

( A/N ) Sorry for the super short chapter, I just wanted to keep all the drama in one chapter and leave you on a cliffhanger.



Like Strangers - Tale 2 in the Reynolds seriesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora