Chapter 2

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- = + = - Lorelei's POV - = + = -

I stepped inside the diner and took a seat at one of the booths. Heather, my spy, would be here any minute. 

"What can I get for you?" The waitress asked.

"Could I have two cappuccino's please?" I asked. She nodded.

"They will be right out for you," She stated before she left. Heather slid into the booth across from me and handed me a file. I opened it.

"The BAU have been requested in on a case that has ties to Emily's past," Heather paused as the waitress set down our drinks. "This man," She pointed to the picture in the file. "Was a part of one of the terrorist cells that your team took down. When he was in prison his wife, and daughter were murdered. He holds a grudge against you and Emily because you were the ones that betrayed him and you were the ones he knew were a part of the operation. He thinks one of the two of you snitched," She debriefed me.

"Do you know who the killer is?" I asked.

"I have a theory," She set another file on the table. "There are rumors of a vigilante, he goes by the name of Honos, as in -"

"As in the Roman god of chivalry, honor, and military justice," I finished for her. "Who's honor is he protecting?"

"No one knows for sure but rumor has it that he is going after a trafficking ring that deals with people and goods," She answered.

"Great," I answered. "This is great. Thanks," I answered, collecting the files and placing them into my bag.

"I heard about your new title. Do you like it?" She asked as I stood to leave.

"Well . . . yeah . . .  I do," I answered with a smirk before stepping out onto the streets of Miami.

- = + = -

I sat and waited for my contact to meet me. He had been one of my spies since before I joined the BAU. I saw him walk in the door and once he spotted me he rushed over to my table. We were in an old club, there were a few others scattered across the floor and the bartender was smoking a cigar, filling the room with smoke.

"Kissa," He greeted, pulling me into a hug.

"Abel," I replied warmly. 

"When I heard you were dead, I actually believed it," He whispered.

"You know me better than that," I joked.

"I do," He assured me. He worked the FBI. Specifically with the BAU. "Here," He handed me a thumb drive. "They have just finished solving a more pressing case at the moment but their next case will be Honos. If you want a head start I suggest that you get to Seattle as fast as you can. Honos is just heating up. Yesterday he dropped another body. No ID,"

"Guess I better get to Seattle then," I stated. "Let Hotch and Rossi know that I'm coming. Have them prepare the team,"

"Will do," He stated. As I stood to walk out he spoke again. "It's good to see you again Issa,"

"You to Abel," I replied before walking out of the club and onto the streets.

- = + = -

It felt good to be in the same city with the team again. Even though I would try to keep them from knowing about it, it felt good. I pulled my leather jacket closer around me as I walked down the streets of Seattle. Honos was hosting a cage fight tonight. It was the kind where you bet on one of the two competitors and the winner takes all. Anyone was allowed to fight so long as there was a competitor. I was walking toward the Seattle police precinct that the team was working out of, at least, according to Abel's file. Once I was in visual range of the precinct I paused momentarily and changed my entire demeanor. If they were going to look at the security tapes, I wanted them to be looking for someone exactly the opposite of me. I dropped off the information I had, in a small, unsealed letter, signed The Midnight Angel before walking back out onto the streets.

- = + = - *Spongebob narration voice* 4 hours later - = + = -

"Midnight Angel!" The officiator called as he threw my hand in the air. I had blood dripping from my nose, lips, and a cut on my hairline. My opponent was on the ground bleeding harder than I was.

"FBI!" A familiar voice called. I ripped my hand from the officiators and ran. I heard Hotch's voice follow me.

"Got a runner," He called into his comms. "Southeast side," I heard his footfalls chasing after me. I turned down an alleyway and was met with Rossi pointing a gun at me. I put my hands in the air and pulled down my hood.

"Hotch, Rossi," I greeted them. "It's been a long time,"

"What name are you going by now?" Rossi asked lowering and holstering his gun.

"You can call me whatever you please," I replied with a smirk.


( A/N ) Sorry for the SUPER long delay between chapters, I just had lost my desire to write this story. But I have now regained it and here we are again.


Like Strangers - Tale 2 in the Reynolds seriesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum