Chapter 9

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I wake up to see the bathroom light turned off and the door cracked open. I can see sunlight peeking through the crack and wonder just how late I slept in.
  I stand up and stretch, feeling much better than I did last night. I walk out of the bathroom across to Scotts room. I knock on the door and am greeted by a quick "Come in!", from Stiles. I open the door and walk in to see Scott and Stiles trying to find information about something on Scott's computer.
"What're you guys doing? And also, what time is it?" I ask them as I yawn loudly. Stiles barely glances at me before going back to whatever it is he was doing in the first place. Scott gives me a soft look and whacks Stiles on the head for ignoring me.
"Ow! Gosh. I'm trying to find more information on werewolves and alphas. Apparently only an alpha can turn someone into a werewolf so the alpha is who bit you guys. My money is on Derek honestly. Something about him creeps me out. And to answer your other question it's 4 in the afternoon." Stiles tells me before quickly going back to his search on the computer.
  I nod and plop down on Scott's bed before turning to face Scott, "I want to learn how to control my shift. I don't care if you don't trust Derek but right now he is the only one who can teach us and I could always give you guys information on him. Please let me though."
  I give Scott a hopeful look as Stiles turns to face me. Him and Scott share a look before Scott nods at him. "We don't want you going there but it is up to you, although you will be checking in with me by our mind link. Also you will not be fawning over how much you like him. You are not allowed to like him anyways." Scott tells me, getting stern towards the end.
  "Yeah! No hanky panky with the big bad werewolf dude little sis." Stiles says, deciding to give me his input on it. I decide to brush his comment off and hug both of them before racing to my room to change into something decent.
  I want to look nice and hopefully impress Derek so I decide to wear nice clothes today. I quickly put on a cute dress that would make Lydia proud and a pair of black flats, and run out of my room and down the stairs, yelling a quick, "Bye!", to the boys and run to Derek's house.
  I get there in under 5 minutes. Boy do I love these powers. I stand outside his burnt house and wait for him to come out, since I know that he knows I'm here.
  "What are you doing here Saffron?" I hear from behind me. I turn around and see Derek standing there with an angry look on his face. I'm beginning to think that it's his normal facial expression.
  "Teach me. Teach me how to control the shift and while you're at it help me figure out what I am. Please, I don't want to hurt anyone." I honestly tell him. He sighs and for a second I'm afraid he'll turn me down and won't help but then he nods and heads towards his house.
  I grin and follow him, hoping I'll get to know him a little better and that maybe he will start to like me. We get onto his porch when he suddenly turns around and growls at me, already fully shifted.
"You want to learn to control the shift? Then be able to unshift after we fight." He yells at me before lunging towards me. I quickly duck, sending him flying over my shoulder.
I growl and feel myself shifting. I jump off of his porch and run full speed towards him and swipe at his chest. He moves right on time to where I barely scratch him but definitely leave a mark. He regains his balance and lunges toward me again.
This time he is able to leave a long line of scratches on the left side of my body from the top of my face to the bottom of my neck. I cry out from the pain and immediately shift back.
I curl into a ball and scream out in pain, not feeling myself heal like everyone says I will. I screw my eyes shut as I almost pass out from the pain. I hear Derek run up to me and slide down to be at my level.
  He pulls my head up and I open my eyes. His face is full of sorrow and anger. "Saffron I am so sorry that I hurt you. Obviously you don't heal as fast as a full werewolf would. Come on, I'll take you inside and get you a change of clothes." Derek tells me before trying to pull me up.
  I stay curled in a ball, tears running down my face that make my scratch burn like hell. I hear Derek sigh, then next thing I know I'm up in the air and pressed against a very warm chest. I stop crying and sniffle, while snuggling into his warm comfy shirt.
  Once we get inside his house he runs up the stairs to the part of the house that's not as badly burnt as the rest. He sets me down on his bed, which is probably the only furniture in this house and runs off to get bandages.
I curl back up into a ball and sniffle, still in a lot of pain. When Derek reappears he not only has bandages, but also a shirt. "Umm I didn't have any shorts that would fit you, so I just brought a shirt that will probably cover everything." He tells me as he sits next to me on his bed and helps me sit up.
I don't think anyone has ever seen this side of Derek and I like that he's showing me it. He slowly cleans my scratches with some type of antibiotic cream that stings. I wince and grab the closet thing to my hand, which just so happens to be his leg.
I dig my fingernails into his thigh as he continues to spread the cream over the scratches. Once he's done he looks at my hand on his thigh then slowly looks back up to me. I immediately remove my hand and blush, my scratches slowly healing.
He quickly bandages the left side of my face and neck and then puts the shirt in my lap and turns around so I can change. I slowly pull my dirty dress up and over my head, leaving me in only my bra and panties. I wince as my arm brushes against my neck while pulling his shirt over my head.
I stand up and his shirt falls to my lower thigh. I place my hand on his shoulder to signal to him that he can turn around. He looks at me and I softly smile at him while he frowns, "Saffron, I am so sorry that I did this to you. I did not mean to hurt you and-".
  I interrupt him by walking up and hugging him, surprising both him and me. He stiffens in my grip before slowly hugging me back. I grin into his lower chest, since I'm not that tall.
  He releases me and clears his throat. "Can I stay here until my scratches heal? I don't want Scott or even Stiles to try to kill you just because you were trying to teach me." I ask him, looking up at him with big eyes.
  He just stares at me for a long time before responding, "Saffron, you do know that nothing can ever happen between us. Right? I'm pretty sure your brother made that pretty clear to you. I mean, sure you can stay here tonight but nothing can happen between us." He tells me, and I can tell he chose his words carefully for that.
  My smile slowly falls from my face and I look down. I nod and he sighs before walking out. "You can sleep in here. I probably won't sleep since I need to figure some things out." He tells me as I look out the window.
  "Okay. What time is it?" I ask him in a small voice. I hear him walk back into the room and I still don't look at him. I guess I don't take rejection very well.
  "Saffron please look at me." I hear him say, it sounds like he's standing right in front of me. I shake my head and keep my eyes glued to the floor and he sighs again, "It's 8:00. You've been here for about 3 hours. You cried for a long time." He tells me quietly.
  I nod and walk over to the bed crawling in and turning to face the window. "Goodnight Derek. I'll be gone in the morning and you won't ever have to see me again. I'm sorry I made a fool of myself." I quietly tell him before closing my eyes and letting a tear slip out. He walks out and closes the door behind him.
  That's when I finally let all the tears out. I sob quietly and eventually fall asleep with one thought on my mind, I'll never be good enough.


A/N I thought I would try to make a chapter where Derek starts to show Saffron himself and begins to sort of let her in. Also I honestly have no idea if he ever even slept in the house but we will pretend that he did if he really didn't.
And how do y'all like season 6B's first episode? I literally cried when I saw Derek.

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